歌词 "I Loved Another Woman" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Loved Another Woman



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

My baby's gone and left me - crying by myself 我的宝宝走了,留下我 - 我自己哭了

My baby's gone and left me - crying by myself 我的宝宝走了,留下我 - 我自己哭了

I loved another woman - I lost my best gal 我爱另一个女人 - 我失去了我最好的GAL


She was a real good woman - she didn't me no harm 她是一个真正的好女人 - 她不我欺

She was a real good woman - she wouldn't do me no harm 她是一个真正的好女人 - 她不会对我没什么坏处

But I loved another woman - now she's up and she's gone 但我喜欢另一个女人 - 她现在和她走了


[break] [突破]


Well, come back baby - I know I treated you wrong 好了,回来宝贝 - 我知道我对你错了

Well, come back baby - I know I treated you wrong 好了,回来宝贝 - 我知道我对你错了

I loved another woman - now, I won't do that no more 我爱另一个女人 - 现在,我不会那样做没有更多的

歌词 I Loved Another Woman 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-loved-another-woman/

歌词 I Loved Another Woman 的作者与版权信息:


John Lee Williamson, James A. Williamson


Songs Of Universal Inc.