歌词 "I Like Those People" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Like Those People



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

They like ice cold beer and smokeless tobacco 他们喜欢冰镇啤酒和无烟烟草

And dancin' on a Saturday night 而在一个周六的晚上跳舞

Church on Sunday mornin' and talkin' to Jesus 教会在周日早上,聊耶稣

There's some that say that that ain't right 那说,这是不对的这里也有一些


I know for certain that nobody's perfect 我知道肯定没有人是完美的

And they don't pretend to be 而且他们不假装

I like those people 我喜欢的那些人

And they like me 他们喜欢我


Well, they may roll the dice 那么,他们可能会掷骰子

But ain't life a gamble 但是,是不是生活中的赌博

And you may think that that's all wrong 而你可能会认为这是完全错误的

They take what they're given 他们把他们给什么

Hard work and hard livin' 辛勤工作和努力活着

Right out of some old country song 右出一些古老的乡村歌曲


Jokes that they tell you 开玩笑说,他们会告诉你

Might be off color 可能是气色

But sometimes that's just what you need 但有时候这正是你需要的

I like those people 我喜欢的那些人

And they like me 他们喜欢我


They don't kick you when you're down 他们不踢你当你失意

Judge you when you make a mistake 判断你的时候,你犯了一个错误

They're the first to come around 他们是第一次来到我身边

Help you at whatever it takes 帮助您在不惜一切代价


They're the salt of the earth 他们是世上的盐

Honest as rain 诚实的雨

A light when your world turns dark 当你的世界变成黑暗的光

And if it falls on your shoulders 如果它落在你的肩膀

And you need to hide out 你需要躲起来

They won't tell a soul where you are 他们不会告诉任何人你在哪里


Yeah, they stick together 是的,他们粘在一起

Like birds of a feather 如一丘之貉

Treat you like family 对待你像家人一样

Hey, I like those people 嘿,我喜欢的人

And they like me 他们喜欢我


They don't kick you when you're down 他们不踢你当你失意

Judge you when you make a mistake 判断你的时候,你犯了一个错误

They're the first to come around 他们是第一次来到我身边

Help you at whatever it takes 帮助您在不惜一切代价


Hey, it's ice cold beer, smokeless tobacco 嘿,这是冰镇啤酒,无烟烟草

And dancin' on a Saturday night 而在一个周六的晚上跳舞

There's church on Sunday mornin' 有教堂的周日早上,

And talkin' to Jesus 并说耶稣

There's some that say that that ain't right 那说,这是不对的这里也有一些


Hey, but I got a feelin' 嘿嘿,不过我有一个感觉,

God up in Heaven 上帝在天堂

Thinks that's the way it should be 认为这是它应该的方式

I like these people 我喜欢这些人

And they like me 他们喜欢我


Yeah, I like these people 是啊,我喜欢这些人

And they like me 他们喜欢我

They like me... 他们喜欢我...

歌词 I Like Those People 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-like-those-people/