歌词 "I Got It" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Got It


歌词相关歌手:MARY MARY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The situation is telling me 这种情况告诉我

I should believe all hope is lost 我相信,所有的希望都失去了

But from the looks of things 但是,从事物的外表

I should be crying 我应该哭

But because I know in whom I trust 不过,因为我知道我所信

My heart tells me to rejoice 我的心脏告诉我欢喜


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Whatever you want 无论你想要什么

I got it 我得到了它

Whatever you need 你需要什么

I got it 我得到了它

Its all in me 一切都在我

I got it 我得到了它

I got it 我得到了它

[repeat] [重复]


Is life failing me 人生是失败的我

Times seem to be so hard 时间似乎是这么难

Everything crumbles in my face 一切都垮了我的脸

One dollar short,one day late 一美元空头,晚一天

Then I remember that maybe 于是,我想起,也许

I just forgot to pray 我只是忘了祈祷

And when I call on You 当我请你

All You have to say 所有你必须​​说


[chorus] [合唱]

歌词 I Got It 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-got-it-7/