歌词 "I Found You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Found You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Everything is old 一切都是老

While everything is turning new 虽然一切都正在转向新

It still remains the same 它仍然是相同的

Just in different ways 只是以不同的方式


And that’s when I found you 这就是当我发现你

Somewhere between pain and fear 某处疼痛和恐惧之间

You got me on my feet 你让我上我的脚

Just in time for me 正好赶上我


And then you walked 然后你走

Into my thunderstorm 进入我的雷雨

And stopped the rain from falling 而掉落停止下雨

And then you made 然后你做

Flowers from hurricanes 从飓风的花朵

You got me through 你让我通过

That’s when I found you 这时候,我找到了你

That’s how I found you 这就是我找到你了


I’m so glad you called 我很高兴你打电话

Cause I’m too blind to read the wall 因为我太盲目看墙上

I’ll always wonder why 我永远不知道为什么

You taught me to fly 你教我飞


And then you walked 然后你走

Into my thunderstorm 进入我的雷雨

And stopped the rain from falling 而掉落停止下雨

And then you made 然后你做

Flowers from hurricanes 从飓风的花朵

You got me through 你让我通过

That’s when I found you 这时候,我找到了你

That’s how I found you 这就是我找到你了


And then you walked 然后你走

Into my thunderstorm 进入我的雷雨

And stopped the rain from falling 而掉落停止下雨

And then you made 然后你做

Flowers from hurricanes 从飓风的花朵

You got me through 你让我通过

(That’s when I found you) (这时候,我找到了你)


And then you played 然后你打

Music in silent ways 乐在无声方式

And filled my years with laughter 并填补了我多年的欢笑

(That’s when I found you) (这时候,我找到了你)

And then you came 然后你来

Into a young man’s life 进入年轻人的生活

And got me through 并让我通过


That’s when I found you 这时候,我找到了你

That’s how I found you 这就是我找到你了

歌词 I Found You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-found-you-6/