歌词 "I Fall Down" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Fall Down



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Julie says 朱莉说:

John I'm getting nowhere 约翰·我越来越行不通

I wrote this letter 我写这封信

Hope to get to someplace soon 希望能得到尽快某处

I want to get up 我要站起来

When I wake up 当我醒来

But when I get up 但是,当我起床

I fall down 我跌倒


Julie wake up 朱莉醒来

Julie tell the story 朱莉讲述的故事

You wrote the letter 你写的信

Said you were gonna get there someday 说你总有一天能到达那里

Gonna walk in the sun 会走在阳光下

And the wind and the rain 风和雨

Never walk back again 永远走回来


Now you fall down 现在你跌倒

You're falling down 你倒下

You fall down 你倒下

You fall down 你倒下


Julie say something 朱莉说些什么

Julie say you're sorry 朱莉说对不起

You're gonna get better 你会得到更好的

You better not leave me here anyway 你最好不要让我在这里呢


I want to get up 我要站起来

When you wake up 当你醒来

When I get up 当我起床


I fall down 我跌倒

When I'm falling down 当我跌倒

I fall down 我跌倒

I broke myself 我打破了我自己


I fall 我跌倒

I fall down 我跌倒

I'm falling down 我跌倒

I fall down 我跌倒

When you fall down 当你跌倒

When I'm falling down 当我跌倒

Is when you're falling down 就是当你跌倒

When you fall down 当你跌倒

I fall down 我跌倒

I fall down... 我跌倒...

歌词 I Fall Down 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-fall-down-1/

歌词 I Fall Down 的作者与版权信息:


Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen, Dave Evans, Paul David Hewson


Polygram Int. Music Publishing B.V.