歌词 "I Don't Wanna Say Goodnight" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Don't Wanna Say Goodnight



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Just one innocent smile 只是一个天真无邪的笑容

That I could have missed 我可以错过

That's all it took to start all this 这就是花了开始这一切

One word so softly spoken 一个字那么轻声细语

When I needed it most 当我最需要的

Why you, why right now, who knows? 为什么,为什么,现在,谁知道?


And I don't know why this is happening 而且我不知道为什么会这样

Why it feels so right 为什么感觉真不错

But I do know I don't wanna say goodnight 但我知道我不想说晚安


Last kiss until tomorrow 最后吻到明天

Out on the front porch swing 出的前廊摇摆

'Til then nothing means anything 直到再没有任何意义


And I don't know why this is happening 而且我不知道为什么会这样

Why it feels so right 为什么感觉真不错

But I do know I don't wanna say goodnight 但我知道我不想说晚安


I can't let go when I'm holding you tight 我不能放手,当我抱着你紧

All I dream of is that day when we don't have to say goodnight 我所梦想的是,当我们没有说晚安的那一天


And I don't know why this is happening 而且我不知道为什么会这样

Why it feels so right 为什么感觉真不错

But I do know I don't wanna say goodnight 但我知道我不想说晚安

And I don't know why this is happening 而且我不知道为什么会这样

Why it feels so right 为什么感觉真不错

But I do know I don't wanna say goodnight 但我知道我不想说晚安


Just one innocent smile 只是一个天真无邪的笑容

That I could have missed 我可以错过

That's all it took to start all this 这就是花了开始这一切

Oh no I don't wanna say goodnight 哦,不,我不想说晚安

Oh no I don't wanna say goodnight 哦,不,我不想说晚安

Oh I don't wanna say goodnight 哦,我不想说晚安

Oh 呵呵

Oh no just wanna hold you tight 哦,不,只是想抱紧你

歌词 I Don't Wanna Say Goodnight 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-don_t-wanna-say-goodnight/