歌词 "I Can't Take It" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Can't Take It



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Just give me five so I can step outside 只要给我五,所以我可以到外面

Or even give me three and I'll be satisfied 甚至给我三个,我就心满意足了

But if you give me none at all 但是如果你给我没有在所有

You're gonna see me climb that wall 你会看到我爬上了墙

And you know you're gonna see me fall 你知道你会看到我跌倒

I can't take it 我不能把它


Take all the nights that a man can give 把所有的夜晚,一个人可以给

And make all the days so a man can live 并让所有的天,一个人能活

But if you take up every hour 但是,如果你每隔一小时占用

You're gonna take up all my power 你会占用我所有的力量

And you know you're gonna turn me sour 你知道你会拒绝我酸酸的

I can't take it, no 我不能把它,不


[CHORUS:] [合唱: ]

I can't take it, wooo 我不能把它的Wooo

I can't take it anymore 我不能再忍受了

I can't take it, wooo 我不能把它的Wooo

Place a lock upon my door 在我的门上放置一个锁


[guitar solo (Joey Molland)] [吉他独奏(乔伊·莫兰)


Give me all your money in your dark, brown vase 给我你所有的钱在你的黑暗,棕色瓶

You've even got my soul in your dark, brown case 你甚至得到了我的灵魂在你黑暗,布朗案

But baby, can't you see outside? 但亲爱的,你看不到外面?

You know you've got my fingers tied 你知道你已经得到了我的手指绑

And you know you're gonna hurt my pride 你知道你会伤了我的自尊心

I can't take it, no 我不能把它,不


[CHORUS x4] [合唱X4的]


I can't take it, wooo 我不能把它的Wooo

I can't take it... 我不能把它...

歌词 I Can't Take It 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-can_t-take-it-1/

歌词 I Can't Take It 的作者与版权信息:


Peter William Ham


Apple Publishing Ltd.