歌词 "I Can't Save You Angelene" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Can't Save You Angelene


歌词相关歌手:BOB SEGER

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I was a rolling stone 我是个见异思迁

But now I've come back home 但现在我回家

I've given up that trail 我已经放弃了这条道路

I feel no need to fail 我觉得没必要要失败

So take your midnight runs 所以,把你的午夜运行

I'm hangin' up the guns 我犹豫不决,出枪

I can't save you Angelene 我救不了你Angelene


This endless party scene 这无尽的晚会现场

This weekend warriors dream 本周末战士的梦想

It's gotten stale for me 它变得陈旧了我

It doesn't set me free 它不会让我自由

You want a kindred soul 你想有一个相似的灵魂

Someone to say let's go 有人说让我们去

I can't save you Angelene 我救不了你Angelene


You may find yourself out somewhere babe 你会发现自己某处宝贝

Talkin' loud tellin' ties 谈大声泰兰关系

Temptation's gonna get you girl 诱惑的会得到你的女孩

No surprise no surprise 毫不奇怪也不奇怪


I wanna get from here 我想从这里得到

I wanna get myself clear 我想要让自己清楚

I want the warm sun over me 我想要温暖的阳光在我

Enter a guilty plea 输入认罪

Ah babe just walk away from me 阿贝贝就这样离开了我

I can't save you Angelene 我救不了你Angelene

歌词 I Can't Save You Angelene 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-can_t-save-you-angelene/