歌词 "I Can't Quit Your Love" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Can't Quit Your Love


歌词相关歌手:JACKSON 5

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Do do do do wah ohhh 这样做这样做哇哦~~

Do do do do wah 这样做这样做议员


The love was standing on is shakey ground 爱是站在为沙基地

There ain't no way on earth to hold you down 有没有办法在地球上,抱你下来

And every road I take to you higher ooh yea ha 每条路我带你到更高的哦啊哈哈


I gonna find a boat to row away 我就在哪里找到了一条船,划走

Where I won't be reaching for you night and day 在那里我不会达到你日夜

Where there's no windows ain't no doors 那里没有窗户是不是没门

To let your love in ooh i, i 为了让在户外我,我爱你


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

I can't quit your love, ooh yea 我不能离开你的爱,哦啊

No matter how hard I try to 无论我如何努力尝试

I can't quit your love, no I can't 我不能离开你的爱,没有我做不到

I keep running back to you 我一直跑回来给你

You know I can't quit your love ooh yeah! 你知道我不能离开你的爱哦耶!


You snap your fingers and I feel on fire 你要振作你的手指,我觉得火

Like silly spinning wheels of desire 就像欲望傻纺轮

You have to be a bird with wings to get me higher 你必须有翅膀的小鸟让我飞得更高


The minor things for me has lose control 对我来说,小事情失去了控制

The weakness of my judgement rules my soul 我的判断的弱点规则,我的灵魂

You know you got each claim in me after the wire ooh! 你知道你在我的线哦后得到每项索赔!


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 I Can't Quit Your Love 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-can_t-quit-your-love/