歌词 "I Can't Imagine" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Can't Imagine



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Or one and one could never be two. 或一加一永远是两个。

I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Wow wow.. 哇哇..


I can imagine there are no countries, 我能想象,没有国家,

Now I know what you're thinking. 现在我知道你在想什么。

Can you imagine what I'm feeling, 你能想象我的感觉,

This feeling of love I feel. 爱的感觉,我觉得。


I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Or one and one could never be two. 或一加一永远是两个。

I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Wow wow.. 哇哇..


I can imagine there is no sky, 我可以想像,没有天空,

Now don't go thinking I'm exaggerating. 现在不要去想着我夸大。

You without me I can't see, no! 你没有我,我可以不看,不!


I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Or one and one could never be two. 或一加一永远是两个。

I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Wow wow.. 哇哇..


Thinking I'm crazy, 以为我疯了,

Yes I'm crazy for you. 是的,我为你疯狂。


Try so hard to describe, 着急来形容,

The way I feel. 我的感觉。

I'm searching for a way, 我在寻找一种方式,

Whenever be that day for me, 只要是这一天对我来说,

Or will I still be saying. 或者我仍然会说。


I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Or one and one could never be two. 或一加一永远是两个。

I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Wow wow.. 哇哇..


I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Or one and one could never be two. 或一加一永远是两个。

I can't imagine me without you, 我无法想象自己没有你,

Wow wow.. 哇哇..

歌词 I Can't Imagine 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-can_t-imagine-2/

歌词 I Can't Imagine 的作者与版权信息:


Calton Coffie


Rock Pop Music