歌词 "I Can Love You Better Than That" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

I Can Love You Better Than That



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I know she can love you 我知道她会爱你

And make you love her back 让你爱她回来

Have you tied about her finger 你已经绑了她的手指

And let go just like that 和放手就这样

I know she'll steal your heart 我知道她会偷你的心脏

And tear it up into 和撕裂它分成

Give it back when she's had enough 给它回来时,她受够了

And say "this belongs to you" 并说:“这是属于你的”

Don't give her that chance, don't you fall fast 不给她这样的机会,你不降速

Why don't you run while you still can? 你为什么不同时运行仍然可以?

I know you don't see 我知道你看不到

What I can see 我所看到的

Everything that we could be 一切,我们可以

I got my eyes wide open 我得到了我的眼睛睁

Waitin' when she hopin' that 乖乖等着当她河滨的

I get my chance 我得到我的机会

Cause I can love you better than that 因为我可以爱你比这更好

Someday, she's gonna leave you 有一天,她会离开你

And turn back around 而回头绕

I want her to walk in and see I have you now 我想让她走,看看我中有你,现在

I'll never gonna let you go 我永远不会让你走

Not after end this road 不能结束后,这条道路

She'll never love you like I can 她永远爱你喜欢,我可以

Don't give her that chance, don't you fall fast 不给她这样的机会,你不降速

Why don't you run while you still can? 你为什么不同时运行仍然可以?

I know you don't see 我知道你看不到

What I can see 我所看到的

Everything that we could be 一切,我们可以

I got my eyes wide open 我得到了我的眼睛睁

Waitin' on she hopin' that “对她河滨倒底是

I get my chance 我得到我的机会

Cause I can love you better than that 因为我可以爱你比这更好

I know she'll steal your heart 我知道她会偷你的心脏

And tear it up into 和撕裂它分成

Give it back when she's had enough 给它回来时,她受够了

And say "this belongs to you" 并说:“这是属于你的”

Don't give her that chance, don't you fall fast 不给她这样的机会,你不降速

Why don't you run while you still can? 你为什么不同时运行仍然可以?

I know you don't see 我知道你看不到

What I can see 我所看到的

Everything that we could be 一切,我们可以

I got my eyes wide open 我得到了我的眼睛睁

Waitin' on she hopin' that “对她河滨倒底是

I get my chance 我得到我的机会

Cause I can love you better than that 因为我可以爱你比这更好

歌词 I Can Love You Better Than That 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/i-can-love-you-better-than-that/

歌词 I Can Love You Better Than That 的作者与版权信息:


Kira Isabella, David Thomson


Shapiro Bernstein & Co. Inc., Sony/ATV Music Publishing Canada