歌词 "Hush-A-Bye Hard Times" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hush-A-Bye Hard Times



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Many years you have lingered around my cabin door 多年来你已经徘徊在我的小屋的门

Oh hard times come again no more 呵呵困难的时候再来不多

Oh hard times come again no more 呵呵困难的时候再来不多


Oh hush a bye hard times, go ye away 哦,嘘了再见艰难时期,你们要离开

Cause my hungry baby wants a Gingerbread Cake 因为我饿了的宝宝想要一个姜饼蛋糕

Not a cow in the barn yard no money to spend 在谷仓院子里没有一头牛没钱花

Not an egg in the hayloft, no little red hen 不是在干草棚一个鸡蛋,没有小红母鸡


So, hush a bye baby don't cry no more 所以,嘘了再见宝贝不要哭,没有更多的

Your mama can't give you what you're crying for 你妈妈不能给你,你哭什么

There's a wolf at the door with an angry 有狼在门口与愤怒

Cold hungry stare, he keeps howling of hard times 寒冷饥饿的眼神,他不断嚎叫的艰难时刻

And the cupboard is bare 还有橱柜是光秃秃


Oh, hush a bye hard times go ye to rest 哦,嘘了再见困难的时候,你们去休息

Cause my ragged baby wants a new ruffled dress 因为我的衣衫褴褛的孩子想要一个新的荷叶边连衣裙

And she wants some new shoes with buckles to wear 她想了一些新的鞋子扣穿

And she wants some silver bows for her golden hair 她想了一些银色的蝴蝶结,她金黄色的头发


So, hush a bye baby don't cry no more 所以,嘘了再见宝贝不要哭,没有更多的

Your mama can't give you what you're crying for 你妈妈不能给你,你哭什么

There's a wolf at the door with an angry 有狼在门口与愤怒

Cold hungry stare, he keeps howling of hard times 寒冷饥饿的眼神,他不断嚎叫的艰难时刻

And the cupboard is bare 还有橱柜是光秃秃


So, hush a bye baby don't cry no more 所以,嘘了再见宝贝不要哭,没有更多的

Your mama can't give you what you're crying for 你妈妈不能给你,你哭什么

There's a wolf at the door with an angry 有狼在门口与愤怒

Cold hungry stare, he keeps howling of hard times 寒冷饥饿的眼神,他不断嚎叫的艰难时刻

And the cupboard is bare 还有橱柜是光秃秃


Hush a bye hard times go ye away 嘘轮空困难的时候了,你们走

I don't intend to be treated this way 我不打算这样处理


So, hush a bye baby 所以,嘘了再见宝贝

Hush a bye hard times 嘘再见艰

Hush a bye baby 嘘了再见宝贝

Don't cry no more 不哭也不多

Hush a bye hard times 嘘再见艰

Hush a bye baby 嘘了再见宝贝

Hush a bye hard times 嘘再见艰

Come ye no more 来吧,你们没有更多的


Many years you have lingered around my cabin door 多年来你已经徘徊在我的小屋的门

Hush a bye hard times 嘘再见艰

Come ye no more 来吧,你们没有更多的

Hush a bye baby 嘘了再见宝贝

Hush a bye hard times 嘘再见艰

Hush a bye baby 嘘了再见宝贝

Don't cry no more 不哭也不多

Hush a bye hard times 嘘再见艰

Hush a bye baby 嘘了再见宝贝

Hush a bye hard times 嘘再见艰

Come ye no more 来吧,你们没有更多的

歌词 Hush-A-Bye Hard Times 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hush-a-bye-hard-times/

歌词 Hush-A-Bye Hard Times 的作者与版权信息:


Dolly Parton


Velvet Apple Music