歌词 "House Of Mayors" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

House Of Mayors



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

They are crowding the stage of these hallowed confines 他们一窝蜂这些神圣的局限阶段

Representing the parties 代表当事人

In here are enshrined the one hundred-odd figures of men 在这里供奉着男性的百多名人物

Wearing suits, who in sum 西装笔挺,谁在和

Constitute the assembly of the House of Mayors 构成市长府的集会


Stacked in columns and rows 堆叠在列和行

Dressed in period clothes 穿着衣服的时期

Near a wig, a pince-nez affixed to a nose 附近的头戴假发,夹鼻眼镜贴鼻子

And the full complement's in attendance at the House of Mayors 和满在参加市长之家

(House of Mayors) (市长大厦)

House of Mayors 市长之家

(House of Mayors) (市长大厦)

House of Mayors 市长之家

(House of Mayors) (市长大厦)

House of Mayors 市长之家

(House of Mayors) (市长大厦)

House of Mayors 市长之家


And they're all up there, on the stage 而且他们都在那里,在舞台上

And we're introduced to them all 我们正在向他们介绍所有

And they're all still standing up there 而且他们都还站在那里

When the last tour exits the hall 当最后一个参观退出大厅

The effect is so real 其效果是如此的真实

That it's chilling to watch 它的心寒观看

As the creaking automatons all lurch 随着吱吱作响的自动机器都陷入困境

Into action, and act out historical deeds 付诸行动,并付诸行动的历史事迹

And make speeches, sign legislation 并发表演讲,签署立法

And turn their heads and blink their eyes 并把他们的头和闪烁的眼睛

Though the room has a faintly musty smell 虽然房间里有淡淡霉味

You forget where you are, you are under their spell 你忘了你在哪里,你在他们的咒语

And the spell that was cast was the ballot for the House of Mayors 那就是施法是选票的市长大厦


George Finby! 乔治Finby !

Alexander Whigmore! 亚历山大Whigmore !

Patrick O'Barr! 帕特里克·欧贝尔!

Conrad Spectacle! 康拉德眼镜!

Carl Van Krieg! 卡尔·范·克里格!

Antonio Botton! 安东尼波顿!


They are all still standing in there 他们都还站在那里

In the dark in there, in the night 在黑暗中出现,在夜间

Similarity lurks under styles of moustache 在款式小胡子的相似潜伏

These anemic, loyal, [?] 这些贫血,专一, [?]

With a woman attending in fashion 随着时尚女人出席

In fashion; if some other face 在时尚;如果某些另一面

Looked too much out of place 看起来太出位

Would it spoil it for everyone else? 它会破坏它的其他人?


Some express disappointment when leaving the hall 离开大厅时,有些表示失望

Some feel cheated or mad--bear in mind, one and all 有些被骗的感觉还是疯狂 - 要记住,一个和所有

The next act of the show is an infinite row 该节目的下一个动作是一个无限的行

Of unoccupied chairs, in a big room upstairs 空置的椅子,在一个大的房间楼上的

In the House Of The Yet-To-Be Mayors 在房子的可是要被市长

歌词 House Of Mayors 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/house-of-mayors/

歌词 House Of Mayors 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
(She Was A) Hotel Detective (Single Mix)
25 O'Clock
Brainwashin' Our Fighting Boys
Bread Hair
Christmas Cards
Concrete And Clay
Confusing The Mind
Don't Let's Start (Single Mix)
Dont Know Why It Takes That Long
Hell Hotel
Hi Honey I'm Home
House Of Mayors
How Much Cake Can You Eat
I Blame You
I Find It Hard To Believe
I Might Be Giants Too
I Need Some Lovin'
Living Doll
Mario Speaks
Moving To The Sun
Mrs. Cinderella
Next Plane To London
Not Too Clear Not Too Long
O Tannenbaum
One More Parade
South Carolina
Stormy Pinkness
Summer Breeze
The Feel Good Sublet
The King Of Wingo
The Power Of TMBG Dial A Song
The Writings On The Wall
There's A New Song Every Hour
We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime
We Love All The People
We've Got A World That Swings
Welcome To The Jungle
When Tornados Take Over The World
Will You Love Me In December As You Do In May
Who's In This House
This House Is Condemned
We'll Bring The House Down
The House At The Top Of The Tree
Poor House
I Want It All
Unless We F#*?in
Sound Boy
Hold Your Head
Blk Stallion
Something To Say
Never Be Alone
The Hazards Of Love 2 (Wager All)
Do You Want To
Anaheim (Anaheim House Of Blues)
The Lonely Night
Barely Breathing
Away From Here
Daze Or War
As The Palaces Burn
Strategy Wanking