歌词 "Houdini" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:BUSH, KATE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I wait at the table, 我等在餐桌上,

And hold hands with weeping strangers, 而执子之手与陌生人哭泣,

Wait for you 等你

To join the group. 加入该组。


The tambourine jingle-jangles. 手鼓顺口溜, jangles 。

The medium roams and rambles. 介质漫游和漫步。

Not taken in, 不上当,

I break the circle. 我打破了圈内。


I want this man 我想这个人

To go away now. 现在走开。


With a kiss 用一个吻

I'd pass the key 我想传递的关键

And feel your tongue 感觉你的舌头

Teasing and receiving. 戏弄和接收。

With your spit 用唾液

Still on my lip, 仍然在我的嘴唇,

You hit the water. 你打的水。


Him and I in the room 他和我在房间

To prove you are with us too. 为了证明你与我们同在了。


He's using code that only you and I know. 他用只有你和我知道的代码。

This is no trick of his. 这绝不是他的绝招了。

This is your magic. 这就是你的魔力。


I'd catch the cues, 我会抓住线索,

Watching you, 看着你,

Hoping you'd do something wrong. 希望你会做错事。


Everybody thinks you'll never make it, 每个人都认为你永远不会做它,

But every time, 但每一次,

You escape: 你解脱:


'Rosabel believe, 的Rosabel相信,

Not even eternity 甚至没有永恒

Can hold Houdini!' 可容纳胡迪尼! “


"Rosabel, believe!" “的Rosabel ,相信! ”


Through the glass 透过玻璃

I'd watch you breathe. 我会看着你的呼吸。

("Not even eternity--") ( “甚至没有eternity-- ” )

Bound and drowned, 约束和淹死,

And paler than you've ever been. 和苍白比你去过。

("--will hold Houdini!") ( “ --will持有胡迪尼! ” )


With your life 与您的生活

The only thing in my mind-- 我mind--唯一

We pull you from the water! 我们拉你的水!


(Houdini!) (胡迪尼! )


You ("Hou-di-ni...") 你( “侯二妮......” )

And I

And Rosabel believe. 和的Rosabel相信。

歌词 Houdini 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/houdini/