歌词 "Hometown Girl" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hometown Girl



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Years ago in my hometown I was a headstrong girl and a heartstrong one 几年前,在我的家乡我是一个任性的女孩和一个heartstrong 1

We'd ride all summer with the top rolled down through the sleepy streets of that Jersey town 我们会骑一整个夏天的顶部通过泽西城的街道上昏昏欲睡滚落

Now I knew girls when I was sixteen 现在,我知道女孩时,我是16

Could make a smart boy stutter, turn a nice boy mean 可以做一个聪明的孩子口吃,把一个漂亮的小男孩的意思

And the boys made the girls into homecoming queens 和孩子们所做的女童返校节皇后

Married each other instead of their dreams 嫁给​​对方,而不是自己的梦想


These days I'm mostly out on my own 这些天来,我大多是出于对我自己

Looking for someplace that I can call home 寻找某个地方,我可以给家里打电话

Late at night, or just before dawn 夜深了,或五更

I pretend you're with me now 我假装你现在是我

It never seemed that hard before 它似乎从来没有那么难前

What happened to that hometown girl? 发生了什么事了家乡的女孩?


The seasons changed in my hometown 本赛季在我的家乡变化

The way they changed in yours 他们在你改变了

The windows opened up to the Spring 窗户打开了向春

Like every spring before 像以前每到春天

And I ran with boys who weren't like you 我跑了男生谁不喜欢你

I was young but somehow I knew 我还年轻,但不知何故,我知道

The difference between a man and a fool 一个男人和一个傻瓜的区别

Sometimes I think that could have been you 有时我想,可能是你


These days I'm mostly out on my own 这些天来,我大多是出于对我自己

Looking for someplace that I can call home 寻找某个地方,我可以给家里打电话

Late at night, or just before dawn 夜深了,或五更

I pretend you're with me now 我假装你现在是我

It never seemed that hard before 它似乎从来没有那么难前

What happened to that hometown girl? 发生了什么事了家乡的女孩?


Hometown girls are like hometown dreams 家乡的女孩子都喜欢家乡的梦想

Some start fading, others stay keen 有的开始衰落,另一些热衷于留

I won't forget you but I'll let you be 我不会忘记你,但我会让你成为

Love never was that kind to me 爱情从来都不是那种给我


Late at night or just before down 在深夜或之前下降

I pretend you're with me now 我假装你现在是我

You had your madness and you had your charm 你有你的疯狂和你有你的魅力

But only when your heart allowed 但是,只有当你的心脏使

And my heart just won't allow no more 而我的心脏就不会允许没有更多

What happened to that hometown girl? 发生了什么事了家乡的女孩?

歌词 Hometown Girl 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hometown-girl/