歌词 "Hometown" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh you can see it when you close your eyes 哦,你可以看到它的时候,你闭上你的眼睛

A Norman Rockwell painting come to life à诺曼·洛克威尔画来生活

With all the colors of a stained-glass window 带彩绘玻璃窗的所有颜色

All the characters and old dogs and kin folk 所有的人物和老犬和亲属民俗


And it smells like bar-b-que and old garden roses 它闻起来像酒吧-B-阙老玫瑰花园

Yells like cheerleaders and football coaches 破口大骂像拉拉队和足球教练

And it walks like a mayor and it dances like a prom 它走起路来像市长和它跳舞像一个舞会

And it sleeps like a porch and it cooks like your mama 它就像睡在门廊,它的厨师喜欢你的妈妈


Hometown, hometown 故乡,故乡

May be the sweetest word with the sweetest sound 可能是最甜蜜的话用最甜美的声音

Hometown 故乡


And it's growing like tomatoes on the vine 而且它的增长如西红柿的藤

Fading like a Dr. Pepper sign 褪色像胡椒博士迹象

Still preaching like a Pentecostal 还是说教像五旬节

And fishing like a backslider 和钓鱼像背道

And pulling little sisters in bright red radio flyers 拉小姐妹在鲜红的无线电传单


And it marches in the veteran's day parade 它在游行的退伍军人节游行

And it proudly lets old glory wave 它骄傲地让老荣波


It's rodeos and county fairs 这是圈地,县集市

All farris wheels and canned up pears 法里斯的所有车轮和向上罐头梨

It'll let you go just to welcome you back 它会告诉你去只是为了欢迎你回来

No it don't get no better than that 不,它没有得到任何比这更好


Our hometown, yeah your hometown, hey our hometown, your hometown 我们的家乡,是你的家乡,哎我们的家乡,你的家乡


Oh you can see it when you close your eyes 哦,你可以看到它的时候,你闭上你的眼睛

歌词 Hometown 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hometown-1/