歌词 "Home To You" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Home To You



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I stayed up late last night 我住了昨天深夜

I thought of the days gone by 我以为过去了的日子

The picture of you and me 你和我的图片

Is not what it used to be 是不是它曾经是


Something happened along the way 事情发生了,一路上

Little changes in our game 在我们的游戏变化不大

Somehow everything's brighter now 不知怎的,一切都美好的现在

My heart knows the reason why 我的心脏都知道的原因,


We can't hide from love any longer 我们不能从爱隐瞒下去了

It can't be denied with you I'm alive 它不能与你拒绝我还活着


[Chorus] [合唱]

I used to think that love was escapable 我曾经认为爱情是退避

Can't see why we should be divided 不明白为什么我们要分

Isn't life just unbelievable 是不是生活简直难以置信

Now I'm coming home to you 现在,我要回家给你


I'm beginning to understand 我开始明白

The way that I feel inside 我觉得里面的方法


So how could we let it be 所以,我们怎么可能让它成为

When there's so much more to see 当有这么多看


We can't hide from love any longer 我们不能从爱隐瞒下去了

I know what I feel I know this is real 我知道我的感觉,我知道这是真实的


[Chorus] [合唱]


Love is not escapable 爱不是退避

Love is not escapable 爱不是退避


I used to think that love was escapable 我曾经认为爱情是退避

Can't see why we should be divided 不明白为什么我们要分


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Home To You 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/home-to-you/

歌词 Home To You 的作者与版权信息:


Mats Berntoft


Murlyn Songs AB