歌词 "Hollywood Perfume" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hollywood Perfume



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I went out on the balcony in the middle of the night 我在半夜跑到阳台上

The hotel was dark except for just one light 这家酒店是一片漆黑,只有短短的光

Television burning in the other room 电视烧在其他房间

I couldn't sleep so i put on some of your 我无法入睡,所以我把你的一些

Hollywood perfume 好莱坞香水


I went out on the balcony and looked across the way 我走到阳台上,看着对面的

Some guy was shadow boxing, he looked like sugar ray 有些家伙是打太极拳,他看上去就像糖光芒

I was feeling dizzy - began to swoon 我当时感到头晕 - 开始昏厥

Was it his punch or was it just your 是不是他一拳或者是它只是你

Hollywood perfume? 好莱坞的香水?


I feel like a fugitive escaped from my life 我觉得自己像一个逃犯从我的生活中逃脱

Seeking refuge in the sensual heat 投靠在声色热

These paper-thin walls make me party to calls 这些纸一样薄的墙壁使我党通话

Of love wafting through the room 爱在房间里飘出

The night jasmine bloom 夜里绽放的茉莉花

Of your hollywood perfume 您的好莱坞香水


I went out on the balcony to clear my head 我走到阳台上清除我的头

I was burning up in my queen-sized bed 我烧了我的大号床

Down on the strip beneath the billboard moon 倒在广告牌月光下的条

Teenaged girls look for love in the 十几岁的女孩寻找爱情的

Neon sex and doom 霓虹灯性和厄运

Of your hollywood perfume 您的好莱坞香水


I went out on the balcony with your photograph 我出去与你的照片阳台

I dropped it in the pool and that made me laugh 我在池中删除它,这让我笑

You like your tan but you don't like to swim 你喜欢你的棕褐色,但你不喜欢游泳

Meanwhile i feel like i'm drowning in 同时,我觉得我淹没在

Neon sex and doom 霓虹灯性和厄运

The night jasmine bloom 夜里绽放的茉莉花

Of your hollywood perfume 您的好莱坞香水

歌词 Hollywood Perfume 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hollywood-perfume/