歌词 "Hold On To Your Friends" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hold On To Your Friends



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A bond of trust 信任的纽带

has been abused 已被滥用

something of value 有价值的东西

may be lost 可能会丢失

give up your job 放弃你的工作

squander your cash - be rash 浪费你的现金 - 是皮疹

just hold on to your friends 只要执着于你的朋友

There are more than enough 有足够多的

to fight and oppose 打击和反对

why waste good time 为什么要浪费好时机

fighting the people you like 战斗,你喜欢的人

who would fall defending your name 谁也落在捍卫你的名字

don't feel so ashamed 不觉得很惭愧

to have freinds 有freinds

But now you only call me 但现在你只给我打电话

when you're feeling depressed 当你感到沮丧

when you feel happy I'm 当你感到快乐,我

so far from your mind 到目前为止,从你的头脑

my patience is stretched 我的耐心被拉伸

my loyalty vexed 我的忠诚度烦恼

you're losing all of your friends 你失去所有的朋友

Hold on to your friends 等一下给你的朋友

hold on to your friends 留住你的朋友

resist - or move on 抵制 - 或继续

be mad, be rash 是疯了,是皮疹

smoke and explode 烟雾和爆炸

sell all of your clothes 卖掉你所有的衣服

just bear in mind: 只要记住:

there just might come a time 只是有可能来的时候

when you need some friends 当你需要一些朋友

歌词 Hold On To Your Friends 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hold-on-to-your-friends/

歌词 Hold On To Your Friends 的作者与版权信息:


Steven Morrissey, Alain Whyte


Artemis Muziekuitgeverij B.V., Warner Chappell Music Ltd., Sm Publishing Uk Limited