歌词 "Hideous Towns" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hideous Towns



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Don't ask me why, don't ask me why 不要问我为什么,不要问我为什么

I joined the army, The Salvation Army 我加入了军队,救世军

But it didn't help 但它并没有帮助

Don't ask me why, don't ask me why 不要问我为什么,不要问我为什么

I joined the army, but it drove me barmy 我加入了军队,但是它驱使我发酵的

And it didn't help 它并没有帮助


Hideous towns make me throw up 可怕的城镇让我呕吐


Don't ask me why, don't ask me why 不要问我为什么,不要问我为什么

I went into service with The Civil Service 我走进了公务员队伍的服务

But it didn't help 但它并没有帮助

Don't ask me why, don't ask me why 不要问我为什么,不要问我为什么

I went into service, but it made me nervous 我走进服务,但它让我紧张

And it didn't help 它并没有帮助


Ooh, hideous towns made me throw up 哦,可怕的城镇让我扔了


And sticks and stones may break my bones 与棍棒和石头可能会打断我的骨头

But words will just finish me off 不过,话​​也只是完成了我

Yeah, near enough 是啊,近得


Oh oh, my hopeless youth it's so uncouth 哦,哦,我的无望的青春是如此放肆

And oh, I'd like to be in history 哦,我想成为历史

I said, oh in my hopeless youth just so uncouth 我说,哦,我在绝望的青春只是如此放肆

So there you go and now you know 所以你去,现在你知道

But just please don't 只是请不要


Don't ask me why, don't ask me why 不要问我为什么,不要问我为什么

I went to the circus, Piccadilly Circus 我去了广场,皮卡迪利广场

It was very strange 这是非常奇怪的

Don't ask me why, cos I don't know why 不要问我为什么,因为我不知道为什么

Never one to roam, I took the first bus home 从来没有一个漫游,我把第一次坐公交车回家

And I haven't changed 我并没有改变


Ooh, hideous towns made me throw up 哦,可怕的城镇让我扔了


And I know sticks and stones may break my bones 我知道,棍棒和石头可能会打断我的骨头

But words will just finish me off 不过,话​​也只是完成了我

Yeah, near enough 是啊,近得


Yes they do 是的,他们做的

Said, oh my hopeless youth it's so uncouth 说,噢,我无望的青春是如此放肆

Said, oh and I'd like to be in history 说,哦,我想成为历史

Said, oh in my hopeless youth it's just so uncouth 说,哦,我绝望的青春实在太粗鲁

So there you go, and now you know 所以你去了,现在你知道

But just please don't... 只是请不要...

Please, please, please 请,请,请

Said oh, yeah my hopeless youth just so damn, oh oh 说,哦,是我绝望的青春只是让该死的,哦,哦,

Yeah, my hopeless youth is really very young 是啊,我绝望的青春真的是很年轻

Just really very young 只是真的很年轻

歌词 Hideous Towns 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hideous-towns/

歌词 Hideous Towns 的作者与版权信息:


David Gavurin, Harriet Ella Wheeler


Warner/Chappell Music Ltd.