歌词 "Hide Away" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hide Away



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I gotta mind full of questions and they just won't let me be 我得心里充满了疑问,他们是不会让我

I am weary from the restless heart inside of me 我厌倦从躁动的心脏在我心里

I never care about believing till I see I lost my way 我从来不计较相信,直到我看到我失去了我的路

And then my troubles all around me and all that I can say, 然后我所有的烦恼我和所有我能说的身边,

See me through another day cause the devils calling 见我走过一天造成的鬼子叫

I need a place to hide away, from the storm 我需要一个地方躲起来,从风暴

When the waters rising, when the sun don't shine 当海水上升,当太阳不再照耀

I need a place to hide away and some peace tonight 我需要一个地方躲起来,有些今晚和平

Found out life was complicated, more grey and black and white 发现生活是复杂的,多灰黑色和白色

Sometimes I wanna follow Jesus but sometimes he's hard to find 有时我想跟随耶稣,但有时他很难找到

I never care about believing till I see I lost my way 我从来不计较相信,直到我看到我失去了我的路

And then my troubles all around me and all that I can say is, 然后我所有的烦恼我和所有我能说的是身边,

See me through another day cause the devils calling 见我走过一天造成的鬼子叫

I need a place to hide away from the storm 我需要一个地方躲离风暴

When the waters rising, when the sun don't shine 当海水上升,当太阳不再照耀

I need a place to hide away and some peace tonight 我需要一个地方躲起来,有些今晚和平

When the waters rise around me, when my worry's all I see 当水位上涨我身边,当我担心的是我看到的

I called your name and you came and found me 我叫你的名字,你来了,找到了我

Through the darkness I can see, Oh I can see oh 在黑暗中,我可以看到,哦,我可以看看哦

Will you lead me through another day cause the devils calling 你将带领着我,穿过另一天造成的鬼子叫

I need a place to hide away from the storm 我需要一个地方躲离风暴

When the waters rising when the sun don't shine 当海水上升,当太阳不再照耀

I need a place to hide away and some peace tonight 我需要一个地方躲起来,有些今晚和平

I need a place to hide away, Could you bring me some peace tonight 我需要一个地方躲起来,你能不能给我一些平静,今晚

歌词 Hide Away 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hide-away/