歌词 "Hero Across The Sky" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hero Across The Sky



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Stay close to me 贴近我

Can't you see 你没看见

I won't get old 我不会老


Crawl down to me 抓取下来给我

Can't you see 你没看见

I won't get old 我不会老


I can't cut loose 我不能砍松

I feel your warmth 我感觉你的温暖

I can't get close to you at all 我无法靠近你的所有

It all depends on the past 这一切都取决于过去

A hero across the sky 划破长空英雄


I feel the pain in every one 我感觉疼痛的每一个

I can't get close to you at all 我无法靠近你的所有


I get stoned 我被砸死

I feel no warmth 我觉得没有温暖

I get high and watch the town 我得到的高,看的小镇

It all depends on the past 这一切都取决于过去

A hero across the sky 划破长空英雄


I feel the pain in everyone 我觉得在大家的痛苦

I can't get close to you at all 我无法靠近你的所有

歌词 Hero Across The Sky 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hero-across-the-sky/