Her Name Was Audre
On the back of a hand 在手背
Something about poetry. 一些关于诗歌。
At the back of a throat 在咽喉后部
Something about luxury. 一些关于奢侈品。
You never want to leave the 你永远都不想离开
local library. 当地的图书馆。
She always thought that you 她一直以为你
might understand. 可以理解的。
Her name was Audre and 她的名字叫Audre和
she had a lot to say. 她有很多可说的。
She didn’t bore me with her 她不生了我和她
consummate display. 完美显示。
Feel the back of a hand 感觉手背
about slavery. 关于奴隶制。
At the back of a throat 在咽喉后部
Something about a litany. 一些关于一长串。
You never want to leave the 你永远都不想离开
local library. 当地的图书馆。
She always hoped that you 她总是希望你
might understand. 可以理解的。
Her name was Audre and 她的名字叫Audre和
she had a lot to say. 她有很多可说的。
She didn’t bore me with her 她不生了我和她
consummate display. 完美显示。
Touch the back of a hand — 轻触手背 -
Something about infamy. 一些关于骂名。
From the back of a throat 从喉咙深处
Something about equality. 一些有关平等。
You never want to leave the 你永远都不想离开
local library. 当地的图书馆。
Her name was Audre and 她的名字叫Audre和
she had a lot to say 她有一肚子话要说
But when the sickness came 但是,当疾病来
it took her voice away. 花了她的声音了。
歌词 Her Name Was Audre 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/her-name-was-audre/
- Give, Get, Take
- Brain Cells
- Leave This Island
- Lydia, The Ink Will Never Dry
- My Bloody Mind
- Is It True?
- Drinking Martinis
- I Recognise The Light
- Midnight On The Hill
- Her Name Was Audre
- Where We're Going
- Middlesbrough Man
- I'll Be Here In The Morning
- Lover, Lover, Lover
- Northern Sky
- Final Day
- Fade Into You
- 推荐歌词
- Home
- Coulda Been The One
- Honestly
- Tonight
- First
- Loneliness
- Spending Money
- You Don't Act Like My Woman
- Song To The Siren
- Like Father, Like Son (Papa's Song)
- Glory, Glory
- Okay
- It Must Be Summer
- Master Of Ceremony
- Officially Alive
- Have A Nice Day
- Don't Cry Sister
- Headphones
- As Long As You Wait For Me
- Cold
- "Her Name Was Audre" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Her Name Was Audre" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Her Name Was Audre" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Her Name Was Audre" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。