歌词 "Hello Fascination" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hello Fascination



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Here's to you, glorify, my darlings, are you satisfied? 这里有你,荣耀,我的宝贝,你满意吗?

Here's to you, criticize, my darlings, are you satisfied? 这里是你的,骂我的宝贝,你满意吗?


You build me up just to break me down 你建立了我刚刚打破我失望

You're being loud without a sound 你太不响亮的声音

You paste me in just to cut me out 你贴我只是把我出来

Hello fascination 您好魅力


You've dug my grave, but I pushed you in 你挖我的坟墓,但我推你

I didn't give life to you, but you took it from me 我没有要你给生活,但你从我这里把它

But now I'm taking it back, I know you wanna push me 但现在我要带回去,我知道你想推我


Here's to you, glorify, my darlings, are you satisfied? 这里有你,荣耀,我的宝贝,你满意吗?

Here's to you, criticize, my darlings, are you satisfied? 这里是你的,骂我的宝贝,你满意吗?


You build me up just to break me down 你建立了我刚刚打破我失望

You're being loud without a sound 你太不响亮的声音

You paste me in just to cut me out 你贴我只是把我出来

Hello fascination 您好魅力


You're questioning the answers of the faith you've put in me [x2] 你质疑你已经把信仰的答案,在我的[X2 ]

You've dug my grave [x2] 你挖我的坟墓[X2]


You build me up just to break me down 你建立了我刚刚打破我失望

You're being loud without a sound 你太不响亮的声音

You paste me in just to cut me out 你贴我只是把我出来

Hello fascination 您好魅力

[x2] [X2]


Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh 哇,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦

Hello fascination 您好魅力

歌词 Hello Fascination 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hello-fascination/

歌词 Hello Fascination 的作者与版权信息:


David Schmitt, Kyle Even, Simon Wilcox


Hypnotizing Boogie Publishing, Emi April Music (Canada) Ltd., Fear More Music, It'S A Dance Party, WB Music Corp.