歌词 "Hell Town Story" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hell Town Story


歌词相关歌手:LEVEL 42

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Daddy's little manikin likes a good time 爸爸的小矮人喜欢的好时机

Stretched out in the limousine head all gone 在豪华轿车伸出脑袋全都不见了

Hair is pretty astrokhan for the boyfriend 头发是相当astrokhan的男友

He is a zoot suited zoon politikon 他是一个阻特适合ZOON politikon


Mama's mini Babylon hits the kitchen 妈妈的小巴比伦打厨房

(Can't) find the pills (不能)找到丸

That she lives on, it's a plot 她住在,这是一个阴谋

See her world come crashing down, she's looking older 见她的世界塌了下来,她寻找旧的

The Prom Queen ain't so pretty now, like it or not 舞会皇后不是那么漂亮了,喜欢还是不喜欢


It's just another little hell town story 这只是一个小地狱小镇的故事

Another blaze of hopeless glory 无望的荣耀另一个大火

You don't have to end it for me 结束对我来说你没有

It's gonna end all by itself 这会结束全部由自己


Daddy's busy taking it, don't need the money 爸爸的忙服用,不需要钱

Embezzles for the sake of it, its his job 贪污的缘故吧,它的他的工作

Tonight he's out and on the make, got a yearning 今晚他出来,在化妆,得到了向往

Cruising for some cabaret Billy Bob 巡航一段歌舞表演比利·鲍伯·


Freddy's on the run again, tearing his way Freddy的在逃再次撕裂他的方式

Thru the streets for fun again, cross that line 通又好玩的街道,越过那条线

Borrowed Daddy's gun again, no consequences 借用爸爸的枪再次,没有结果

Money buys you everything, even crime 金钱可以买到你的一切,甚至是犯罪


It's just another little hell town story 这只是一个小地狱小镇的故事

Another case of rich man poor me 对富人可怜的我另一种情况

You don't have to end it for me 结束对我来说你没有

It's gonna end all by itself 这会结束全部由自己


Can you feel the heat tonight, its aggressive 你能感觉到热,今晚,其侵略性

Hot enough to start a fight, and it does 够热,开始打架,它也

Mama's shooting Daddy now, bang and it's all over 妈妈的爸爸拍摄了,一声巨响,一切都结束了

Turns the gun upon herself, and it's done 在她自己打开了枪,而它的完成


(The) kids find out there's nothing left, all alone now (中)孩子们找出什么都不剩,独自一人现在

Freddy jumps a freight train west, to Hollywood 弗雷迪跳到一列货运火车向西,到好莱坞

Daddy's little manikin still craves the good times 爸爸的小矮人仍然渴望已久的好时光

She's so scared it's frightening, it ain't no good 她是那么害怕它的可怕,它不是没有好


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Hell Town Story 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hell-town-story/

歌词 Hell Town Story 的作者与版权信息:


Roland Gould, Mark King


Ruby Ruby Limited, Hornall Brothers Music Ltd.