歌词 "Heels Of The Wind" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Heels Of The Wind



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Just like a broken marriage, when two people just don't care 就像一个破碎的婚姻,两个人也就无所谓

Like when the cupboard is empty or there's no food in the Frigidaire 就像当柜子是空的或没有食物的北极

I'm a page from the end of the story 我是从故事的结尾页面

No closer to my hope and glory 没有接近我的希望和荣耀

Just a kick away from the heels of the wind 刚一踢离风高跟鞋


How come it gets so disturbing, when two ships pass in the storm 为什么它会如此令人不安,当两艘船经过在狂风暴雨之中

Who knows how high the crow flies, who knows where this refugee was born 谁知道有多高,飞鸦,谁知道这个难民诞生

I'm a page from the end of the story 我是从故事的结尾页面

No closer to my hope and glory 没有接近我的希望和荣耀

Just a kick away from the heels of the wind 刚一踢离风高跟鞋


And just for the sake of all these reasons 而只是为了所有这些原因

Rains wash out the fires within 雨水中洗出火

Fires that help to keep you moving 大火有助于保持你感动

Just a kick away from the heels of the wind 刚一踢离风高跟鞋


You don't deserve that treatment, I can't pretend I was that nice 你不值得治疗,我不能假装我是那该多好

I'm no E ticket ride to Disneyland, I'm no cushy first class flight 我乘坐迪士尼无辰票,我不是轻松的一流飞行

I'm a day behind your restless wings 我是你的不安分的翅膀后面的日子

You, you rather have the wealth of kings 你,你愿意拥有财富的国王

Me, I'd rather be on the heels of the wind 我,我宁愿在风的高跟鞋

歌词 Heels Of The Wind 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/heels-of-the-wind/