歌词 "Heaven" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:ICE CUBE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Verse One:] [诗一: ]


Listen to the preacherman 听preacherman

But are you talkin' to me 但你说给我

I can't hear you with a mouth full of pig's feet 我听不见你充满了猪脚一张嘴

If I should need the swine flesh 如果我需要的猪的肉

Your body is a mess, but you're blessed 你的身体是一个烂摊子,但你祝福

With a father, son, spirit and the holy ghost 有一位父亲,儿子,精神和圣灵

But my whole neigborhood is comatose 但我的整个邻域是昏迷

Lookin' for survival 追寻的生存

The devil made you a slave and he gave you a bible 魔鬼做你的奴隶,他给你一本圣经

400 years gettin' our ass kicked 400年刚开了我们的屁股踢

By so-called christians and catholics 通过所谓的基督徒和天主教徒

But I watch 'em burn in a fire 不过,我看全身燃烧的火

See I'm a g, that's why I ain't in your choir 见我是一个克,这就是为什么我不在你的合唱团

Cause I see, cause I know 因为我看到的,因为我知道

The church ain't nothin' but a fashion show 教会是没什么只是一场时装秀

Get the devil to a 187 获取魔鬼到187

And they won't call me a nigga when I get to heaven 他们不会叫我黑鬼的时候我去了天堂


[Verse Two:] [诗二: ]


You're waitin' for the devil to come from the ground 你乖乖等着魔鬼来,从地上

Clown, take a look around 小丑,看看周围

Just look at the cross that the priest is holdin' 看看这祭司牵着交

A beast in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的野兽

But I'm rollin' with that knowledge of self 但我罗林自我的知识

Cause heaven ain't just wealth 因为天上的不仅仅是财富

So mister preacher, if I couldn't pay my tithe 所以老总布道者,如果我不能支付我的十分之一

Do I have to wait outside? 我一定要在外面等?

White man, please take another look 白衣男子,请再看一眼

Cause we couldn't be readin' out of the same book 因为我们不能看书出同书

Cause youse a crook and I'm a brother 原因忧色一个骗子和我是兄弟

King James had sex with his mother 国王詹姆斯曾与他的母亲做爱

Is that your edition? Is that your religion? 那是你的版本?那是你的信仰吗?

Black man, you gotta make a desicion 黑人,你必须做一个desicion

Cause God is comin' on day number seven 原因是神在天数7科曼

And he won't call me a nigga when I get to heaven 他不会骂我是黑鬼,当我到了天堂


[Verse Three:] [诗三: ]


The same white man that threw me in the slammer 同样的白色男人把我在地狱

He bombed the church in Alabama 他在阿拉巴马州的轰炸教堂

So if I cock the hammer, God won't mind 所以,如果我公鸡锤,神不会介意

If I have to kill the human swine 如果我要杀死人类猪型

Cause God is a killer from the start 原因是神从一开始一个杀手

Why you think Noah had to build his ark 为什么你认为诺亚必须建立自己的方舟

And God is a man from his feet to his hair 神是他的脚一个男人对他的头发

That's why you say 'amen' after each and every prayer 这就是为什么你说阿门后,每个礼拜

I just stare at the church man 我只是呆呆地看着教堂的人

Spendin' more money on the church band 赵本山“更多的钱在教堂乐队

But Elijah's got a plan 但以利亚的有一个计划

Got the white man screamin': 'Damn that Farrakhan!' 有白人尖叫: “该死的法拉坎 !

Cause one day these babies are uprise 原因一一天,这些孩子都起义

Much more than bowties and bean pies 远比领结和豆馅饼更多

Kickin' knowledge at 7-11 在唱歌在7-11知识

And they won't call me a nigga when I get to heaven 他们不会叫我黑鬼的时候我去了天堂

歌词 Heaven 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/heaven-80/