歌词 "Headlights" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

headlights 前大灯

highways 公路

your life collides with mine 与我的生活发生碰撞


leavin' our shoes behind 要走的背后“我们的鞋

we cross the water 我们穿过水

our words flow 我们的言语流

from mouth to mouth 从嘴对嘴

like fish seeking dark places 像鱼求暗处

the mist covers our traces covers our faces 薄雾覆盖我们的痕迹覆盖我们的脸


headlights 前大灯

highways 公路

your life collides with mine 与我的生活发生碰撞


we're stepping into shelter 我们正在步入住所

movin out of shadow 往前走出阴影

we made some wrong moves 我们做了一些错误的行动

along the way 沿途

oh we might have strayed 哦,我们可能会迷失

will I forget your face 我会忘记你的脸

and your fluid gait 和你的步态液

or will I stare into the stillness 或将我凝视到寂静

this is where I miss you 这是我想念你

so long 这么久

th what's done 个什么做

how come we've gone 怎么来的,我们已经走了

so much time's been wasted 这么多时间的浪费

so many thoughts been lost on you 这么多的想法已经失去了你


headlights 前大灯

highways 公路

your life collides with mine 与我的生活发生碰撞


cold wind rushes 寒风赶到

down on my face 下来我的脸

smoke heats the black throat 烟气加热黑嗓

of the chimney 烟囱


the door is open 门被打开

come on inside... 进来吧...

歌词 Headlights 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/headlights-5/