歌词 "(He's A) Shape In A Drape" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

(He's A) Shape In A Drape



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's a guy going round the town 有一个家伙兜兜镇

You got to check what he is puttin' down 你一定要检查什么他是puttin 下来

Just one look you know the story is great 只要一看,你知道这个故事是伟大的

He's the guy the chicks love 他是帅哥小鸡爱

And the cats can't hate 而猫能不恨


He's a shape in a drape 他是一个悬垂的形状

A shape in a drape 在悬垂形状

He's a shape in a drape 他是一个悬垂的形状

And you can dig that he is stookin' 而且你可以挖,他stookin “


Now some say he's a clipster and a tailor's toad 现在,有人说他是一个CLIPSTER和裁缝的蟾蜍

And he could hype a miserman for all his gold 他可以炒作miserman他所有的黄金

Some say he's a hipster and some say nix 有人说他是个行家,有人说尼克斯

But everyone's solid when he gets his kicks 但是大家的固体,当他得到他踢


He's a shape in a drape 他是一个悬垂的形状

A shape in a drape 在悬垂形状

He's a shape in a drape 他是一个悬垂的形状

And he is sure alive and kickin' 他肯定还活着,并在唱歌“

歌词 (He's A) Shape In A Drape 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/he_s-a-shape-in-a-drape/

歌词 (He's A) Shape In A Drape 的作者与版权信息:


Joe Jackson


Tusken Music