歌词 "Hard Candy" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Hard Candy



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I used to act like a soldier 我曾经像一个战士

I never even picked up a gun 我从来没有拿起一把枪

I used to dress like a hooker 我以前穿得像个妓女

But never seemed to hook anyone 但似乎从来没有勾人

I used to flow like a river 我曾经流像一条河

Burning bridges people could cross 过河拆桥的人可以跨越

I used to think I was a looker 我曾经以为我是一个旁观者

But look at all the shit that I lost 但看的一切,我失去了狗屎


I took it all the way 我把它所有的方式

Full throttle ‘til I lost control 全油门,直到我失去了控制

Hard candy all the way 硬糖一路

Full throttle ‘til I lose control 全油门,直到我失去控制

A hard candy sick 硬糖病

A hard candy crawl 硬糖抓取

A hard candy pill 硬糖丸

You take and dissolve 你把溶解

How can we say 我们怎么能说

that we ever stood tall 我们永远站在高高的

How can we fill you up 我们怎样才能填补你

And make you tall 让你高挑


I used to think I had flavor 我曾经以为我有味道

‘til I left an awful taste on her tongue. 直到我离开了她的舌头一个可怕的味道。

I used to think I was a savior 我曾经以为我是救世主

But never seemed to save anyone 但似乎从来没有人救


Take it all the way 把它所有的方式

Full throttle ‘til we lose control 全油门,直到我们失去了控制

Hard candy all the way 硬糖一路

Full throttle lose control 全油门不听使唤


I took it all the way 我把它所有的方式

Full throttle ‘til I lose control 全油门,直到我失去控制

Hard candy all the way 硬糖一路

Full throttle lose control 全油门不听使唤


A hard candy sick 硬糖病

A hard candy crawl 硬糖抓取

A hard candy pill 硬糖丸

You take and dissolve 你把溶解

How can we say 我们怎么能说

that we ever stood tall 我们永远站在高高的

How can we fill you up 我们怎样才能填补你

And make you tall 让你高挑


Take it all the way 把它所有的方式

Full throttle ‘til we lose control 全油门,直到我们失去了控制

Hard candy all the way 硬糖一路

Full throttle lose control 全油门不听使唤

歌词 Hard Candy 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hard-candy/