歌词 "Hackensack" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I used to know you when we were young 我以前知道你小时候

You were in all my dreams 你在我所有的梦想

We sat together in period one 我们在为期坐在一起

Fridays at 8:15 周五8:15

Now I see face in the strangest places 现在我看到的脸,在陌生的地方

Movies and magazines 电影和杂志

I saw you talkin' to Christopher Walken 我看到你说给克里斯托弗·沃肯

On my TV screen 在我的电视屏幕


But I will wait for you 但我会等你

As long as I need to 只要我需要

And if you ever get back to Hackensack 如果你有机会回到哈肯萨克

I'll be here for you 我会在这里等你


I used to work in a record store 我曾经在一家唱片店工作

Now I work for my dad 现在,我为我的爸爸工作

Scraping the paint off of hard wood floors 刮油漆脱落的硬木地板

The hours are pretty bad 营业时间是很糟糕

Sometimes I wonder where you are 有时我会想你在哪里

Probably in L.A. 可能是在洛杉矶

That seems to be where everybody else ends up these days 这似乎是在那里别人都结束了,这些天


But I will wait for you 但我会等你

As long as I need to 只要我需要

And if you ever get back to Hackensack 如果你有机会回到哈肯萨克

I'll be here for you 我会在这里等你


And I will wait for you 我会等你

As long as I need to 只要我需要

And if you ever get back to Hackensack 如果你有机会回到哈肯萨克

I'll be here for you 我会在这里等你

If you ever get back to Hackensack 如果你有机会回到哈肯萨克

I'll be here for you 我会在这里等你

歌词 Hackensack 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/hackensack-1/