歌词 "Gulf Of Mexico" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Gulf Of Mexico



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I live to work and work to live 我住的工作,工作是为了生活

Oh, but what I wouldn't give 呵呵,但我不会放弃

For a ray of sun and a little piece of beach 对于太阳的光线和一小片海滩

Where the sand dollar is the only currency 那里的沙钱是唯一的货币

I vote we go to the Gulf of Mexico 我投我们去墨西哥湾

You and me by the sea 你和我在海边

Palm trees call me, that's the place I want to be 棕榈树打电话给我,这是我想待的地方

Down where the southern breezes blow 下来,其中南部吹海风

On the Gulf of Mexico 在墨西哥湾

Right at five o'clock today 就在今天凌晨五点

I'll pick you up, we'll drive away 我来接你了,我们会赶走

And I can't wait to feel the sand beneath my toes 我迫不及待地想感受沙下我的脚趾

And I can almost see the sunburn on your nose 我几乎可以看到你的鼻子晒伤

I vote we go to the Gulf of Mexico 我投我们去墨西哥湾

You and me by the sea 你和我在海边

Palm trees call me, oh, that's the place I want to be 棕榈树打电话给我,哦,那是我想待的地方

Down where the southern breezes blow 下来,其中南部吹海风

On the Gulf of Mexico 在墨西哥湾

La, la, la, la, la 啦,啦,啦,啦,啦

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, hmm 啦,啦,啦,啦,啦,啦,啦,嗯

La, la, la, la, la 啦,啦,啦,啦,啦

La, la, la, la, la, la, la 啦,啦,啦,啦,啦,啦,啦

Vamos, we go to the Gulf of Mexico VAMOS ,我们去墨西哥湾

You and me by the sea 你和我在海边

Palm trees call me, oh, that's the place I want to be 棕榈树打电话给我,哦,那是我想待的地方

Down where the southern breezes blow 下来,其中南部吹海风

On the Gulf of Mexico 在墨西哥湾

Down where the southern breezes blow 下来,其中南部吹海风

On the Gulf of Mexico... 在墨西哥湾...

歌词 Gulf Of Mexico 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/gulf-of-mexico/