歌词 "Guilty Cocker Spaniels" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Guilty Cocker Spaniels



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well I took off running at the greatest speed 嗯,我起飞的最大运行速度

I didn't bother looking to either side of me 我没有理会希望我的两边

Oh, I did not see, I just did not see what was really going on 哦,我没看见,我只是不明白是怎么回事就

Oh, the trees had stopped and the skyline rose 哦,树木已经停止和天际线上涨

Extanging comfort for more fashionable clothes Extanging舒适更时尚的衣服

I'd left the hills at this point in time 我已经在这个时间点离开山丘

To run on treadmills in a perfect line 在一个完美的线条上运行的跑步机

Salad days add up to daily shit 沙拉天加起来每天狗屎

Sparking imagination till the sparks did quit 引发想象到的火花并退出

And if this is fun why'm I so bored with it? 如果这是有趣的whym本人谨此无聊呢?

Well I'll probably never know 好吧,我可能永远不会知道


Guilty cocker spaniels eating table scraps 犯可卡猎犬吃残羹剩饭

When we rolled over, how our masters clapped 当我们翻了,怎么我们的主人拍手

It felt so good we wanted more of that 这感觉真好,我们希望更多的

But when the program failed they defensively laughed 但是,当该程序失败,他们的防守笑了

Sayin' "We did things just how you asked, 言谈“我们做的事情,你刚才怎么问,

Don't try taking us to task. 不要试图把我们送到任务。

You didn't buy a face, nope just a mask, 你不买一张脸,没了只是一个面具,

So HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!" 所以万圣节快乐! “


I drew a blank, we put it in a frame 我画了一个空白,我们把它放在一个框架

Wait, what? You're winning? 等等,什么?你赢了?

You didn't say this was a game 你没有说这是一场游戏

Well I guess I just have to play and play till I'm out of cash 嗯,我想我只是玩,玩,直到我出的现金


Before I could spit it out 我还没来得及吐出来

I guess the words had burnt my mouth, what can I say? 我猜的话就烧我的嘴,我能说什么?

Worst of all I laid it out 最糟糕的是我把它

So you could take it out of context anyway 所以,你可以把它断章取义呢


We said all along we deserved every bit 我们说,一直以来,我们每一个实至名归位

And mostly we knew that the supply would quit 而且大多我们知道,电源将退出

But we got going and going and just went till everybody lost their minds 但是,我们得到了持续和去,只是去了,直到每个人都失去了理智

Directly behind being ahead of the time 正后方是提前时间

But don't worry, you'll fall right in line 不过不要担心,你会落在右边线

Yup, everythings just fine, fine, fine 是啊,万物就好了,精精,

No one's getting blamed this time 没有人是越来越指责这个时候


Blameless, oh blameless, can we find a way to blame our way out? 无辜的,无辜的哦,我们可以找到一种方法来责怪我们的出路何在?

Well I post dated the eulogy for every blames body now 好吧,我开给悼词的每一个现在指责体

We are blamelessly teething on much more than we need now, now now 我们无可指摘牙上远远超过我们现在需要的,现在现在

Blameless teething 无辜的出牙

Well we're all getting blamed cuz everyone knew 好了,我们都得到责备的Cuz每个人都知道

That's right. 这是正确的。

Everybody knew. 每个人都知道。

歌词 Guilty Cocker Spaniels 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/guilty-cocker-spaniels/

歌词 Guilty Cocker Spaniels 的作者与版权信息:


Isaac Brock, Dann Gallucci, Eric Judy


The Best Dressed Chicken In Town, Tschudi Music, Sony/ATV Harmony, Ugly Casanova