歌词 "Guilty As Charged" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Guilty As Charged



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I guess i'm guilty 'til proven innocent 我想我有罪,直到证明清白

And i'll be gone before they know what I hit em' with 和我不在了,才知道是我打他们的人用

And this predicament is pure coincidence 这种困境是纯属巧合

Oh brother here comes another incident [x2] 哦,小弟在这里谈到的另一起事件[X2]


And if you're innocent, let me see you two step 如果你是无辜的,让我看看你的两步

Come on, let me see you two step [x2] 来吧,让我看看你们两个步骤[X2]


Slam the gavel judge judy got a grudge 踩住木槌法官朱迪得到了斗气

Interrogating me for days on end and I won't budge 询问我一连几天,我不会让步

I'm on some eddie murphy raw "baby it wasn't me" shiz 我对一些艾迪·墨菲生“宝宝那不是我” shiz

Wrong place, wrong time, I was there but I didn't see sh*t 错误的地点,错误的时间,我在那里,但我没有看到SH * T

And you can throw the book at me and i'ma throw it right back 你也可以朝我扔的书和我是把它的右后卫

Slap the district attorney and ask him "how you like that? " 拍击地方检察官,问他:“你怎么样了? ”

Then i'ma jump in front of the jury like my life is in your hands 然后我是在跳像我生命中的陪审团面前的是在你的手中

Then break each and all their fingers just to make em' understand 再破每个和所有他们的手指只是为了让他们的人明白

This is obviously a case of mistaken identity 这显然是张冠李戴的情况下

Plus this face is too pretty to be in a penitentiary 加上这张脸太漂亮是在一个监狱

Paranoid like chris and snoop was out to kill me 偏执像克里斯和窥探在外面杀了我

Walkin' on a thin wire, why they tryin' to marlo stanfield me? “在细线,所以才试着给马洛沃尔·斯坦菲尔德吗?


I guess i'm guilty 'til proven innocent 我想我有罪,直到证明清白

And i'll be gone before they know what I hit em' with 和我不在了,才知道是我打他们的人用

And this predicament is pure coincidence 这种困境是纯属巧合

Oh brother here comes another incident [x2] 哦,小弟在这里谈到的另一起事件[X2]


And if you're innocent, let me see you two step 如果你是无辜的,让我看看你的两步

Come on, let me see you two step [x2] 来吧,让我看看你们两个步骤[X2]


And I think it went down like this 我认为它去了这样的

All I remember was the studio, next thing you know everything goes black 我只记得是工作室,你知道接下来的事情一切顺利黑

I woke up in the back of a squad car 我是在警车的后面醒了

Handcuffed until they threw my a** behind bars 戴上手铐,直到他们把我的A **身陷囹圄

I never claimed to be an angel, I just makin' music 我从来没有声称自己是一个天使,我只是金的音乐

Something a little different you can bob your head to it 东西有点不同,你可以鲍勃你的头吧

If that's crime, then fuck it, i'll do the time 如果这是犯罪,那么他妈的吧,我会做的时候

But they tryin' to give me 25 to life for every line 但他们试着给我25到生活的每一行

Go ahead and lock me up, throw away the key 来吧,别把我关起来,把钥匙扔掉

But just imagine the monster you gonna make of me 但试想一下,你想让我的怪物

And the moment that we all feared 的那一刻起,我们都害怕

Guilty on all charges for the dopest album of the year! 有罪的所有费用在今年dopest专辑!


I guess i'm guilty 'til proven innocent 我想我有罪,直到证明清白

And i'll be gone before they know what I hit em' with 和我不在了,才知道是我打他们的人用

And this predicament is pure coincidence 这种困境是纯属巧合

Oh brother here comes another incident [x2] 哦,小弟在这里谈到的另一起事件[X2]


I'm innocent...[x4] 我是无辜的...... [ X4 ]


[Repeat chorus] [重复合唱]

歌词 Guilty As Charged 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/guilty-as-charged-2/

歌词 Guilty As Charged 的作者与版权信息:


Patrick Stump, Disashi Lumumbra-Kasongo, Eric Roberts, Travis Mccoy, Matthew Mcginley, Disashi Lumumba-Kasongo


Epileptic Ceasar Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC, Emi April Music Inc.