歌词 "Gringo's Guitar" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Gringo's Guitar


歌词相关歌手:COMO, PERRY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

(Listen... shh... listen! There, it's playing again... (听着......嘘......听!在那里,它再次打...

Gringo's guitar playing songs of desire 外国佬的吉他演奏欲望歌曲

are sung by the haunted wind!) 由出没风很盛! )


Down in Nualo, Laredo, 倒在Nualo ,拉雷多,

on the border of ol' Mexico 对OL “墨西哥边境

there's a legend they tell of a cowboy, 有一个传说,他们告诉牛仔,

a tall Texas drover named "Joe" 名为“乔”一个高大的得克萨斯放牛

but the braseros just call him "Gringo", 但braseros只是叫他“外国佬”

the gringo who played the guitar 谁弹吉他的外国佬

to the Mexican girl that he loved so, 以他爱这样的墨西哥女孩,

'neath the misty Mexico star 照耀下的飘渺墨西哥明星


(Listen... shh... listen! There, it's playing again... (听着......嘘......听!在那里,它再次打...

Gringo's guitar playing songs of desire 外国佬的吉他演奏欲望歌曲

are sung by the haunted wind!) 由出没风很盛! )


He sang of the day when they'd marry, 他唱的时候,他们会结婚的日子,

when the round-up was over an' through 当舍入超过一个通

and great were the plans for their wedding, 和伟大的人在他们的婚礼计划,

and for dreams they dreamed would come true 和梦想,他们的梦想就会成真

But he never came back from the round-up, 但他从来没有来自围捕回来,

a stampeding herd ran him down à乱窜牛群​​跑他下来

but, sometimes, strange and beautiful music 但是,有时候,陌生而优美的音乐

of a guitar is heard through the town 的吉他贯穿全镇听到


(Listen... shh... listen! There, it's playing again... (听着......嘘......听!在那里,它再次打...

Gringo's guitar playing songs of desire 外国佬的吉他演奏欲望歌曲

are sung by the haunted wind!) 由出没风很盛! )

歌词 Gringo's Guitar 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/gringo_s-guitar/