歌词 "Goodbye Apathy" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Goodbye Apathy



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I can't sleep now, no, not like I used to 我现在不能睡,不,不喜欢我用

I can't breathe in and out like I need to 我不能呼吸进出,正如我需要

It's breaking ice now to make any movement 现在它的破冰进行任何运动

What's your vice? You know that mine's the illusion 什么是你的副?你知道矿井的错觉


And all at once (as I'm trying) I can help you out (just to keep things right) 霎时间, (因为我想) ,我可以帮你(只是为了保持正确的事情)

I'll be what you need (I kill myself to make everything perfect for you) 我会是你所需要的(我杀了自己,让一切完美的你)

Goodbye apathy, so long apathy 再见了无生趣,只要冷漠


[Chorus] [合唱]

So don't sit still, don't you move away from here 所以,不要坐着不动,你不从这里搬走

So goodbye apathy (as I'm trying), so long fancy free (just to keep things right) 所以,告别冷漠(因为我想) ,所以只要看上​​免费的(只是为了保持正确的事情)

Goodbye apathy (I kill myself to make everything perfect for you) 再见冷漠(我杀了自己,让一切完美的你)

I don't wanna be you 我不想成为你


I don't walk right, not like I used to 我不走正确的,而不是像我以前

There's a jump in my step as I rush to see you 有一个在我步跳,因为我急着要见你

I could be happy here as long as you're near to me 我很高兴在这里,只要你靠近我

As long as you're close to me 只要你靠近我


Now that I'm alright (as I'm trying) I can help you out (just to keep things right) 现在,我没事(因为我想) ,我可以帮你(只是为了保持正确的事情)

I'll be what you need (I kill myself to make everything perfect for you) 我会是你所需要的(我杀了自己,让一切完美的你)

Goodbye apathy, goodbye apathy 再见冷漠,冷漠再见


[Chorus] [合唱]

So don't you stop pushing me, I can take so much 所以,你不停止推我,我可以带这么多

So goodbye apathy (as I'm trying), so long fancy free 所以,告别冷漠(因为我想) ,只要看上​​免费

(just to keep things right) (只是为了保持正确的事情)

Goodbye apathy (I kill myself to make everything perfect for you) 再见冷漠(我杀了自己,让一切完美的你)

I don't wanna be... you... 我不想成为你......


Everybody is watching you, everybody is watching me too .... 每个人都在看着你,每个人都在看着我太....

歌词 Goodbye Apathy 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/goodbye-apathy/

歌词 Goodbye Apathy 的作者与版权信息:


Ryan Tedder


Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, Midnite Miracle Music, Velvet Hammer Music