歌词 "Gone To Shiloh" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Gone To Shiloh



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Luther left at first light Friday morning 路德周五早上留在第一道曙光

Little Dan and Becky wave good-bye 小丹和贝基挥手道别

They're gonna have to share the wait together 他们会要一起分享等待

Idle hands will see a good fire slowly die. 空闲的手将看到一个好火慢慢死去。


Gone to Shiloh for the Union 去示罗的联盟

Shoulder to shoulder, side by side 肩并肩,并排

Gone to Shiloh, hope springs eternal 去示罗,希望永远

When flags and bullets start to fly 当国旗和子弹就飞


April's come and the air smells fresh with rain 四月的到来,空气清新的气味有雨

They watched his shadow fade around the bend 他们看着他的身影淡出各地的弯

He's headed for a different kind of thunder 他率领一个别样的雷声

And the stunned surprise in the eyes of dying men 而在垂死的人的眼睛目瞪口呆的惊喜


Gone to Shiloh for the Union 去示罗的联盟

Shoulder to shoulder, side by side 肩并肩,并排

Gone to Shiloh, time passes slowly 去示罗,时间慢慢的流逝

When flags and bullets start to fly 当国旗和子弹就飞


The old black rooster sang in death down that dirt road 老黑公鸡唱死下来的土路

His steps in bold, his man of fancy free 他的大胆的步骤,他的人逍遥自在的

I pray we see him alive and well in the forehead 我祈祷我们可以看到他的额头活得很好

In that Godforsaken place in Tennessee 在田纳西州的荒凉地方


Gone to Shiloh for the Union 去示罗的联盟

Shoulder to shoulder, side by side 肩并肩,并排

Gone to Shiloh, men stand united 去示罗,男人团结一致

When flags and bullets start to fly 当国旗和子弹就飞


After all this, if we should prevail 经过这一切,如果我们获胜

Heaven help the South 上帝保佑南方

When Sherman comes their way 当谢尔曼谈到自己的方式

歌词 Gone To Shiloh 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/gone-to-shiloh-1/

歌词 Gone To Shiloh 的作者与版权信息:


Elton John, Bernie Taupin


Hst Publishing Ltd., Cow Dog Music Inc.