歌词 "Goin' Back To The Country" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Goin' Back To The Country



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm going back to the country 我要回该国

City life's too slow 城市生活的速度太慢

I'm sick of that 120 BPM punk and disco 我生病了120 BPM的朋克和迪斯科

I'm doing a one-eighty 我做了一个80

Break out the fiddle tunes 打出来的小提琴旋律

I'm still that fair folk lady howling up at the moons 我还是公平的民间淑女嚎叫起来的月亮


And I'm gonna fly back to Wyoming 而且我要飞回美国怀俄明州

And never more my friends I'll go a-roaming 永不更多的朋友,我会走漫游

I'm gonna fly back to Laramie 我要飞回拉勒米

Let Laramie take care of me till they bury me 让拉勒米照顾我,直到他们把我埋


I'm going back to the country 我要回该国

The big city's too small 大城市是太小

I don't need more than one tree house but there's none at all 我不需要一个以上的树屋,但有没有在所有

I'm hanging up the tire swing 我挂了轮胎秋千

A hammock in the yard 在院子里的吊床

I'll hear an angel choir sing as I wing countryward 我会听到天使的合唱团唱歌,因为我翼countryward


And I'm gonna find me a country boy 而且我会找到我一个乡下孩子

And have a couple country kids, Leanne and Leroy 并且有几个国家的孩子,李亚男及乐华

And we're gonna wind down those country roads 而且我们会放松下来的乡村公路

And sing and play the dulcimer till this world explodes 唱歌和弹扬琴,直到这个世界爆炸

歌词 Goin' Back To The Country 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/goin_-back-to-the-country/

歌词 Goin' Back To The Country 的作者与版权信息:


Stephin Merritt


Notting Hill Music (Uk) Ltd.