歌词 "God Send Conspirator" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

God Send Conspirator



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hold in your last breath and stare. 握在你的最后一口气凝视。

Assure me your metronome's left arm stick shift 我保证你节拍器的左臂变速杆

is stuck on the right words in your ear. 是停留在你耳边的话语权。

Did you hear me loud and clear? In sight and out of mind? 你有没有听到我响亮而清晰?在视线和心不烦?

Cautiously avoiding the cracks not to disturb your steadied arm straight line. 小心翼翼避开裂缝不打扰你的手臂稳住直线。

The facts before a climb... a plan before a crime. 攀登前的事实......犯罪之前的计划。

Tired in the days that passed away 厌倦了在去世的日子

sporadically arranged across the floor when you've got it made. 在地板上零散地安排,当你得到它制成。


Dear Mariah, the world's not big enough 亲爱的玛丽亚,世界上还不够大

for the both of us when we live in the same town, that's wrong. 对于我们两个,我们住在同一个镇的时候,这是错误的。

Fight on fire (fight on fire), burn my hands till I 扑灭火(火打) ,烧我的手,直到我

got nothing left to count my numbers on that's wrong, what's right? 就剩没什么指望我的数字上是错的,什么是正确的?


Your wise ass comments could cheer you up. 您明智的屁股意见可以让你高兴起来。

The emotional disturbance: relax, deep breathe, sit back 情感障碍:放松,深呼吸,坐下来

from the space in which you stand, here and in demand. 从你的立场,在这里和需求的空间。

Don't touch a fresh wound that bleeds 请勿触摸新鲜的伤口流血

all over your carpets the stains, the story book remains, 在你的地毯上的污渍,故事书仍然存在,

and the page that states you've lied. 并指出你的页面已经撒了谎。

Accept and then reply, acknowledge the other guy, 接受再回复,承认其他人,

Tired in the days that passed away 厌倦了在去世的日子

sporadically arranged across the floor when you've got it made. 在地板上零散地安排,当你得到它制成。


Dear Mariah, the world's not big enough 亲爱的玛丽亚,世界上还不够大

for the both of us when we live in the same town, that's wrong. 对于我们两个,我们住在同一个镇的时候,这是错误的。

Fight on fire (fight on fire), burn my hands till I 扑灭火(火打) ,烧我的手,直到我

got nothing left to count my numbers on 有没有什么可以指望我的号码


Don't change your mind when all's been won 不要改变你的想法,当所有的被拿下

your words in time, with the loss that you'd let them go. 你的话的时候,与你欲罢不能的损失。

Don't let them fall if your grip's not strong 不要让他们倒下,如果你的抓地力不强

in time decide... with the words that you'd let them go 时间决定......与你让他们去的话

Don't let them fall if your grip's not strong. 不要让他们倒下,如果你的抓地力不强。


Dear Mariah, come sleep in your own... 亲爱的玛丽亚,都睡在自己的...

Well dear Mariah, come sleep in your own... 好了亲爱的玛丽亚,都睡在自己的...

Well dear Mariah, come sleep in your own... 好了亲爱的玛丽亚,都睡在自己的...

Well dear Mariah, come sleep in your own {bed}. 好了亲爱的玛丽亚,都睡在自己的床上{ } 。


When eye meets eye be calm 当眼遇到的眼睛平静

We'll lie here alone locked the children in the floor. 我们会永远在这里单独锁定的孩子在地板上。

When eye meets eye be calm 当眼遇到的眼睛平静

We'll lie here alone locked the children in the floor 我们会永远在这里单独锁定的孩子在地板上

When eye meets eye (your dreams can't last forever) 当眼遇到的眼睛(你的梦想不可能永远持续下去)

We'll lie here alone locked the children in the floor, in the floor. 我们会永远在这里单独锁定的孩子在地板上,在地板上。


Father figure wraps his face down 父亲的身影包裹自己的脸倒

he'll be coming home to you. 他一定回家给你。

(Who sat me down here?) (坐在我失望吗? )

Your dreams can't last forever 你的梦想不可能永远持续下去

Locked the children in the floor. 锁住孩子们在地板上。


(Who sat me down here?) (坐在我失望吗? )

When eye meets eye (your dreams can't last forever) 当眼遇到的眼睛(你的梦想不可能永远持续下去)

We'll lie here alone locked the children in the floor. 我们会永远在这里单独锁定的孩子在地板上。

[to fade] [淡出]

歌词 God Send Conspirator 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/god-send-conspirator/

歌词 God Send Conspirator 的作者与版权信息:


Travis Stever, Claudio Sanchez, Michael Todd, Joshua Eppard


Michael The4-tracker, The Bag On Line Adventures, Stanleymagio, Point Me At The Sky