歌词 "God Is Coming" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

God Is Coming


歌词相关歌手:88, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Well God is coming 好神来了

To break your heart and to show you up 要打破你的心脏和向您展示了

Yeah and I was just druggin 是啊,我只是druggin

To let me know all about the ups 让我知道所有关于UPS

Yeah and I’ll be believin 是的,我会believin

The itty second that he comes 该itty第二,他来

And I’ll be a big boy 我会是一个大男孩

As soon as I can figure out 只要我能想出

And I will be huggin 我会huggin

All tied around your mouth 嘴巴周围都绑

Try I gotta heart that’s blue 试试我得心脏那是蓝色的

It’s a glad to meet you 这是一个很高兴见到你

Sigh I got the hand write too 叹我拿到手也写

And I’ll be glad to see you off 我会很高兴见到你了

Everything I own I know it’s there 我拥有的一切,我知道它的存在

All the things I ever had to care 我所遇到过的事情关心

Fallin at my feet like lead 坠落在我的脚像灌了铅

Fillin out the sheets instead FILLIN出的片材,而不是

When I was a keeping 当我还是一个保持

I knew just how I would pull it up 我知道了我怎么会拉起来

Yeah and I was believin 是啊,我是believin

All the things that I had made up 所有这一切我已经下定了的东西

Yeah and I was just growing 是啊,我只是成长

All big enough to walk 所有足够大走

Yeah but I was the big one 是的,但我是大单

Chasin all that I ever saw 斯科特的一切,我见过

歌词 God Is Coming 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/god-is-coming/