歌词 "Go To Hell" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Go To Hell



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Ya told me that ya wanted it 雅告诉我,亚希望它

I knew it wasn't true 我知道这是不是真的

Turned out to be the facts babe 原来是事实贝贝

You know what you can do 你知道你可以做什么

You can go to hell, you can go to hell 你可以去地狱,你可以去地狱

Goodbye for you 再见你


Wrapped around your little finger 在你的小指缠

Under you thumb too 在你的拇指过于

You know that I'm a singer 你知道,我是一个歌手

I'm singin' just for you 我唱只为你

You can go to hell etc. 你可以去地狱等。


I guess I betta get movin' 我想我斗鱼得到往前

Lotta things I gotta do 洛塔事情我必须做的

I realize it was a waste of time 我知道这是浪费时间

Talkin' sense to you 谈感给你

You can etc. 你可以等。


Hope ya got my little message 希望雅得我的小消息

I hope you hear me 我希望你听到我

I thought ya might've been the answer 我觉得雅可能已经得到了答案

Obviously crazy 显然疯了

歌词 Go To Hell 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/go-to-hell-2/