歌词 "Go On" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Go On


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm so sorry, I keep interrupting, what were you gonna say? 我很抱歉,我不断打断,有什么是你会说什么?

You caught him cheatin', I don't blame you for walkin' away. 你抓住了他不忠的,我不怪你走着的路程。

I know where you're comin' from, it sounds like where I've been 我知道你是从科曼 ,这听起来像我去过的地方

Oh, there I go interrupting your story once again 哦,还有我去再次打断你的故事


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Go on, go on, you were sayin' how a fool can only fool you so long 去,去,你是在说怎么傻瓜只能骗骗你这么久

It's true, it's so true when they do you like that 这是真的,它是如此真实的,当他们做你喜欢

What else you can do but go on. 还有什么可以做,但继续下去。


Our conversation won't change nothin', but it's sure nice to talk 我们的谈话是不会改变的没什么,但它肯定很好说话

With somebody who's been cut out of the same ol' cloth 与某人谁是被切出同样的醇布

You know how you said happiness can't be found lookin' back 你知道怎么说的幸福无法找到回首

If you don't mind, maybe we can talk a little more about that. 如果你不介意的话,也许我们可以谈一点有关。


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Go on, go on, you were sayin' this is better than sittin' at home 去,去,你是在说这是不是呆坐着好“在家

It's true, it's so true when they do you like that 这是真的,它是如此真实的,当他们做你喜欢

What else can you do but go on... 还有什么可以做,但去...


Bridge: 大桥:

Even when you see no reason to 即使你没有理由

Don't wait to live life 'cause it won't wait for you 不要等到鲜活的生命因为它不会等你


[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Go on, please go on, you were sayin' what don't kill us only makes us strong 来吧,请你继续,你是在说什么都不用杀我们不仅使我们更坚强

It's true, that's so true when they do you like that 这是真的,那是真真切切,当他们做你喜欢

What else can you do but go on. 还有什么可以做,但继续下去。


Just go on. 只是去。

Life goes on... and on. 生活在继续......而上。

歌词 Go On 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/go-on-2/

歌词 Go On 的作者与版权信息:


Mark Eugene Nesler


Nashvistaville Songs