歌词 "Go" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Go if you want to go, 去,如果你想要去的,

It's better that I know, 这是更好,我知道,

Than in a month from now 比一个月从现在开始


Why did I waste a flight, 为什么我浪费了飞行,

On a stern eve's night, 在严厉前夕的夜晚,

I never meant to hide 我从未想过要隐瞒


And you turned around, 而你一转身,

And I could feel it loud, 我能感觉到它响亮,

The mighty trumpet sound, 无垠的喇叭声,

And I could feel the breeze, 我能感觉到微风,

With an attempt to see, 与试图看到,

What's right in front of me 什么是正确的在我面前


I failed you, You failed me too, 我辜负了你,你让我失望过,

I need you, You swear you need me too, 我需要你,你发誓你需要我也一样,

I see you, You see me too, 我看你,你看我也一样,

I leave [?] 我离开[?]


I have suddenly been reflecting light, 我突然被反射的光,

The brightest light you've seen, 最亮的光,你所看到的,

Deny the voice of God, 拒绝上帝的声音,

From the Heavens house, 从天上的房子,

[?] [?]


You were looking down, 你往下看,

I can see it now, 我现在就可以看出来,

Like you can't believe 就像你不能相信


I failed you, You failed me too, 我辜负了你,你让我失望过,

I see you, Are you sure you can see me still, 我看你,你确定你能看见我还在,

I need you, You say that you need me too, 我需要你,你说你需要我也一样,

But I failed you, and I nailed you too, woah 但我辜负了你,我钉你,哇


If this is the end let me die by your side, 如果是这样的结尾让我在你身边死去,

I don't even know why I begin to cry, 我什至不知道为什么我就开始哭了起来,

It's just a fucking ball game, 这只是一个他妈的球赛,

we'll run all over [?] 我们跑遍[?]

tonight, tonight 今晚,今晚

歌词 Go 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/go-46/

歌词 Go 的作者与版权信息:


John Andrew Hull


Good Things Bad People Music, Chrysalis Songs