歌词 "Girls Like Mystery" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Girls Like Mystery


歌词相关歌手:CRIBS, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

There's not much to say for me 有没有什么好说的我

That's okay you know that girls like mystery 这没关系,你知道,像神秘的女孩

They'll know all the things I've read 他们会知道我所读过的东西

That's ok don't necessarily make it bad 没关系不一定让它坏


Leave me alone 请别打扰我

I'm just your enemy 我只是你的敌人

I've seen it all 我已经看到了这一切

I've seen your jealousy 我已经看到了你的嫉妒


They say love me till then end 他们说,爱我,直到然后结束

They only see me as a friend 他们只看到我为好友

You leave a lot to be desired 你留下很多有待改进

I don't care if I'm desired 我不在乎,如果我需要的


They say love me till then end 他们说,爱我,直到然后结束

They only see me as a friend 他们只看到我为好友

You leave a lot to be desired 你留下很多有待改进

I never wanna be desired 我再也不想被期望


There's not much to say for me 有没有什么好说的我

That's okay you know that girls like mystery 这没关系,你知道,像神秘的女孩

Keep your clothes as your dignity 保持你的衣服你的尊严

After all it's only two years history 毕竟这是只有两年的历史


Leave me alone 请别打扰我

I'm just your enemy 我只是你的敌人

I've seen it all 我已经看到了这一切

I've seen your jealousy 我已经看到了你的嫉妒


They say love me till then end 他们说,爱我,直到然后结束

They only see me as a friend 他们只看到我为好友

You leave a lot to be desired 你留下很多有待改进

I don't care if I'm desired 我不在乎,如果我需要的


They say love me till then end 他们说,爱我,直到然后结束

They only see me as a friend 他们只看到我为好友

You leave a lot to be desired 你留下很多有待改进

I never wanna be desired 我再也不想被期望

歌词 Girls Like Mystery 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/girls-like-mystery/

歌词 Girls Like Mystery 的作者与版权信息:


Gary John Jarman, Ross Anthony Jarman, Ryan James Jarman


Chrysalis Music Ltd.