歌词 "Ghost Mountain" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Ghost Mountain



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When we climbed to the peak we planted a flag 当我们爬到巅峰,我们插上了国旗

But the moment we had, i felt bad 但是,我们有一刻,我觉得不好

And then night came, so we got into our sleeping bags 然后夜幕降临,所以,我们就钻进睡袋

And then someone told a story about something dead and gory 然后有人说了一个故事有关的东西死了,血淋淋


There was heat 有热

From the fire 从火

But i still froze when i saw the ghost 但我还是愣了,当我看到鬼

[X2] [ X2 ]


I told the gang we weren't welcome 我跟这帮我们不欢迎

The ghost made that clear 鬼提出,明确

So we stepped back, but it was drawing near 因此,我们向后退了几步,但它是花前月下

And it lunged for our throats 它扑向我们的喉咙

So we packed our things, made tracks, 所以,我们打包了的东西,做轨道,

Undid our footprints, even furled our flag, and.. 解开了我们的足迹,甚至收拢我们的国旗,和..


We were gone! but what was on the top of the mountain, 我们都走了!但什么是在山的顶部,

The mountain top? 山顶?

[X2] [ X2 ]


Sweet nothing! I made it up 甜言蜜语!我做了起来

So we would make it down with no claim on Ghost Mountain 所以我们会做下来与鬼山无人认领

歌词 Ghost Mountain 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ghost-mountain/