歌词 "Ghost" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I climbed down to watch the tide 我爬下来观看潮

Mark the time that slips away 标记溜走的时间

Where the oceans meet the sky 凡符合海洋天空

The drawing out of self 该抽出自我

And bitter cold goes side by side 和严寒去并排

The self sustained obscurity 自默默无闻持续

The scent I can't maintain 我不能保持香味

The ghost that never wanes 永不减弱的幽灵


I walk out to meet my fate 我走出来迎接我的命运

In the receding of the day 在当天的后退

In hope the tide will grant me stay 在希望的浪潮将给予我留

From the ghost that never wanes 从永不减弱的鬼


So torn and afraid 因此,撕裂和害怕

I find lies faces none can wear away 我觉得谎言面临无人能磨损

Time slips away 时间溜走

Let them rest upon the waves 让他们休息后浪

Peace at last for those who wait 和平终于为那些谁等待

Before I go out to far 在我出门远

Before the depth I seek moves further away 在深入之前,我寻求进一步偏离


I walk out to meet my fate 我走出来迎接我的命运

In the receding of the day 在当天的后退

In hope the tide will grant me stay 在希望的浪潮将给予我留

From the ghost that never wanes 从永不减弱的鬼

歌词 Ghost 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ghost-35/