歌词 "Get With It!" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Get With It!



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Kid quit it, get with it 儿童离开它,得到它

Kid quit it, get with it 儿童离开它,得到它

You're getting on my nerves 你让我的神经

Is that what I deserve 难道这就是我应得的


I know I can't play guitar 我知道我不能弹吉他

So kill me quickly 这么快就杀了我

And I'll be glad I'm gone 我会很高兴的我走了


You wouldn't be so cool 你会不会很爽

If your friends ran off without you 如果你的朋友跑了,没有你

And left you with your pants down 并留下您与您的羽绒裤


You're nothing but a lonely clown 你只是一个孤独的小丑

With out a circus 用了一个马戏团

A sheep that's lost the flock 那失去了的羊群的羊

Your nothing but a lonely clown 你不过是一个孤独的小丑

With out a circus 用了一个马戏团

We're just here to rock 我们只是在这里的岩石

歌词 Get With It! 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/get-with-it/