歌词 "Get Even" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Get Even



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

After how he treated you he cheated you and lied 之后,他怎么对待你,他骗了你,骗

I guess you could go curl up into a ball and cry 我想你可以去蜷缩成一个球,呐喊

Or you could turn a heartache into sweet revenge at last 或者你可以把一个心痛变成甜蜜的复仇,最后

Cause two can cheat at this game baby, pay backs a blast 因为两者可以欺骗这个游戏的宝宝,薪酬备份爆炸


Get even with him, with me 即使他得到的,与我

You been done wrong for so long but now you're free 你已经做错了这么久,但现在你是自由的

Don't get angry, don't get filled with jealousy 不要生气,不要让她充满了嫉妒

Get even with him, with me 即使他得到的,与我


If I know that jackass well there's one thing he can't stand 如果我知道,傻瓜也有一件事,他无法忍受

He wasn't faithful in the least but, find another man 他不忠心的,但至少,找另一个人

He's going to go crazy thinking about how much he lost 他会去,他失去了多少疯狂的想法

Your lips, your kiss, your touch, come on 你的唇,你的吻,你的触摸,来吧

Let's really piss him off! 让我们真正激怒他了!


Get even with him, with me 即使他得到的,与我

You been done wrong for so long but now you're free 你已经做错了这么久,但现在你是自由的

Don't get angry don't get filled with jealousy 不要生气不要让充满嫉妒

Get even with him, with me 即使他得到的,与我


Get even with him, with me 即使他得到的,与我

You been done wrong, for so long now you're free 你已经做错了,这么久了,现在你是自由的

Don't get angry don't get filled with jealousy 不要生气不要让充满嫉妒

Get even with him, with me 即使他得到的,与我

歌词 Get Even 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/get-even-1/