歌词 "Get Behind The Mule" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Get Behind The Mule


歌词相关歌手:TOM WAITS

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Molly be damned smote Jimmy the Harp 莫莉被定罪,杀了吉米的竖琴

With a horrid little pistol and a lariat 有个讨厌的小手枪和一个套索

She's goin to the bottom 她是布莱恩的底部

And she's goin down the drain 她是布莱恩血本无归

Said she wasn't big enough to carry it 说她没有大到足以携带


She got to get behind the Mule 她必须让骡子背后

In the morning and plow 在早晨和犁

She got to get behind the Mule 她必须让骡子背后

In the morning and plow 在早晨和犁

She got to get behind the Mule 她必须让骡子背后

In the morning and plow 在早晨和犁

She got to get behind the Mule 她必须让骡子背后

In the morning and plow 在早晨和犁


Choppity chop goes the axe in the woods Choppity斩云在树林里的斧头

You gotta meet me by the fall down tree 你要和我见面的往下掉的树

Shovel of dirt upon a coffin lid 污垢后,棺材盖铲

And I know they'll come lookin for me boys 我知道他们会来看着我的男孩

And I know they'll come a-lookin for me 我知道他们会走了,看着我


Got to get behind the Mule 必须让骡子的背后

In the morning and plow 在早晨和犁

Got to get behind the Mule 必须让骡子的背后

In the morning and plow 在早晨和犁

Got to get behind the Mule 必须让骡子的背后

In the morning and plow 在早晨和犁

Got to get behind the Mule 必须让骡子的背后

In the morning and plow 在早晨和犁


Big Jack Earl was 8'1 大杰克·厄尔是81

He stood in the road and he cried 他站在路上,他哭了

He couldn't make her love him 他不能让她爱他

Couldn't make her stay 不能让她留

But tell the good Lord that he tried 不过说好耶,他尝试


[Chorus] [合唱]


Dusty trail from Atchison to Placerville 尘土飞扬的小径从艾奇逊到普莱瑟维尔

On the wreck of the Weaverville stage 在Weaverville阶段的残骸

Beaula fired on Beatty for a lemonade Beaula开枪比蒂的柠檬水

I was stirring my brandy with a nail boys 我在我的搅拌白兰地用指甲男孩

Stirring my brandy with a nail 用指甲搅拌我的白兰地


[Chorus] [合唱]


Well the rampaging sons of the widow James 寡妇詹姆斯以及狂暴的儿子

Jack the cutter and the pock marked kid 杰克刀具和痘疤标志着孩子

Had to stand naked at the bottom 只好站在赤裸的底部

Of the cross 十字架

And tell the good lord what they did 并告诉好耶他们做了什么

Tell the good lord what they did 告诉好耶他们做了什么


[Chorus] [合唱]


Punctuated birds on the power line 上的电源线穿插鸟类

In a Studebaker with the Birdie Joe Joaks 与小鸟乔Joaks à史蒂倍克

I'm diggin all the way to China 我一直陷到中国

With a silver spoon 用银勺

While the hangman fumbles with the noose, boys 而刽子手用摸索的绞索,男生

The hangman fumbles with the noose 刽子手用摸索的绞索


[Chorus] [合唱]


Pin your ear to the wisdom post 针耳朵的智慧岗位

Pin your eye to the line 你的脚眼行

Never let the weeds get higher 不要让你的杂草得到更高

Than the garden 比花园

Always keep a sapphire in your mind 始终保持蓝宝石在你的心中

Always keep a diamond in your mind 始终保持一颗钻石在你的心中


[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Get Behind The Mule 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/get-behind-the-mule/

歌词 Get Behind The Mule 的作者与版权信息:


Kathleen Brennan, Thomas A. Waits, Thomas Alan Waits


Jalma Music