歌词 "Get A Life" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Get A Life



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Check it out, it's the outlaw white dog. 检查出来,它的逃犯白色的狗。

Often called by my alias polar bear. 通常称为我的别名北极熊。

Brain tied like the S&M freak shit. 脑栓像S&M的怪胎狗屎。

Cold like the ice you're serving up my drinks with. 冷像冰你服了我的饮品。


Stick shift, fuck the automatic. 变速杆,他妈的自动。

Rollin' up in third gear, guess it's just a habit. 罗林在第三档,猜它只是一个习惯。

And all you freaky bitches reaching out to grab it, 和所有你怪异的母狗伸手抓住它,

Don't hesitate 'cuz you can have it, I'ma stab it! 不要犹豫, “因为你可以拥有它,我是个刺啦!


Demolition, came to crush the mission, 拆迁,来到粉碎的使命,

Just in time for you maniacs to listen. 正好赶上你疯子听。

And it ain't nothin' cuz I don't think it's serious. 它是没什么因为我不认为这是严重的。

My flow is cold, like the weather in Siberia. 我的流程是冷的,就像在西伯利亚的天气。


Keep your head bobbin, like a novelty. 保持你的头纱管,就像一个新事物。

And all them turkey MC's wanna gobble me. 而所有这些火鸡三菱商事的想吃掉我。

But I'm a shark in my underground fish tank, 但我在我的地下鱼缸鲨鱼,

And I don't give a shit what those motherfuckers think. 我不给狗屎什么地方怎么就觉得。


B-Boy with a taste for the metal, B男孩与金属的味道,

A taste for the fine rhyme and I ain't gonna settle. 一尝为精韵,我是不会落户。

If you don't like it then you can scratch up on these nuts bitch, 如果你不喜欢它,那么你可以在这些坚果母狗搔了起来,

Polar bear ain't a cracker you should fuck with. 北极熊是不是黑客,你应该他妈的。


Buggalo, shining like a diamond. Buggalo ,像钻石一样闪烁。

Momma went and bought a kid a mic, now he's rhyming. 妈妈去了,买了一个孩子一个麦克风,现在他的押韵。

And now he's hated 'cuz everybody played it. 现在他恨因为大家都玩过吧。

But they're just hatin' cuz I motherfuckin' made it! 但他们只是hatin “因为我娘了!


Get a life! Get a motherfucking life! 获取生活!获取他妈的生活!

You don't wanna see what I can do, with a knife! 你不希望看到我能做些什么,用小刀!

You don't wanna be my enemy I promise you! 你不想成为我的敌人我答应你!

If you do, motherfucker bring it on! 如果你这样做,娘把它!


Get a life! Get a motherfucking life! 获取生活!获取他妈的生活!

You don't wanna see what I can do, with a knife! 你不希望看到我能做些什么,用小刀!

You don't wanna be my enemy I promise you! 你不想成为我的敌人我答应你!

If you do, motherfucker bring it on! 如果你这样做,娘把它!


[sigh] Hey! Let me turn it down, [叹气]嘿!让我把它放下,

Pour me up another double shot of the crown 我倒了另一双镜头之冠

Get this party hoppin' when I step into your town 得到这个党霍“当我步入你的城市

I came to boogy down, cuz I don't give a fuck! 我来到boogy下来,因为我不给他妈的!


I don't ride in limo's, cuz limo's make me car sick 我不坐豪华轿车的辩论,因为豪华轿车的让我晕车

I ain't goin' out like the dancing with the stars shit 我是不是布莱恩出像星星狗屎跳舞

I don't wait in line 'cuz I'm always on the guest list 我不排队因为我总是在嘉宾名单

Anywhere I go, always leavin' with the best bitch! 无论我去哪里,总是要走了最好的婊子!


And all my boys get the pick of the litter 和所有我的孩子们得到了选秀的垫料

That girl you came with, I suggest you forget her 那个女孩你来了,我建议你忘记她

North Carolina is my homeland, 北卡罗来纳州是我的祖国,

I'm homegrown; just a cacky-lacky mofo 我是土生土长的;只是cacky - lacky美富


A redneck who never had a dollar, 一个乡下人谁从未有过一块钱,

Now I'm making people all around the world holla. 现在,我正在做的所有的人在世界各地霍拉。

And now I'm hated, cuz everybody played it. 现在我恨辩论,因为每个人都玩过吧。

But they just hatin' cuz this motherfucker made it! 但他们只是hatin 因为这个混蛋了!


Get a life! Get a motherfucking life! 获取生活!获取他妈的生活!

You don't wanna see what I can do, with a knife! 你不希望看到我能做些什么,用小刀!

You don't wanna be my enemy I promise you! 你不想成为我的敌人我答应你!

If you do, motherfucker bring it on! 如果你这样做,娘把它!


Get a life! Get a motherfucking life! 获取生活!获取他妈的生活!

You don't wanna see what I can do, with a knife! 你不希望看到我能做些什么,用小刀!

You don't wanna be my enemy I promise you! 你不想成为我的敌人我答应你!

If you do, motherfucker bring it on! 如果你这样做,娘把它!


Don't let the world bring you down. 不要让世界为你带来了。

Down. 下来。

Don't let the world bring you down. 不要让世界为你带来了。

Down. 下来。


[Guitar Break] [吉他打破]




Get a life! Get a motherfucking life! 获取生活!获取他妈的生活!

You don't wanna see what I can do, with a knife! 你不希望看到我能做些什么,用小刀!

You don't wanna be my enemy I promise you! 你不想成为我的敌人我答应你!

If you do, motherfucker bring it on! 如果你这样做,娘把它!


Get a life! Get a motherfucking life! 获取生活!获取他妈的生活!

You don't wanna see what I can do, with a knife! 你不希望看到我能做些什么,用小刀!

You don't wanna be my enemy I promise you! 你不想成为我的敌人我答应你!

If you do, motherfucker bring it on! 如果你这样做,娘把它!


[Outro to skit] [尾奏以小品]

歌词 Get A Life 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/get-a-life-5/

歌词 Get A Life 的作者与版权信息:


Samuel Robert Rivers, William Frederick Durst, Wesley Louden Borland, John Everett Otto


Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Big Bizkit Music